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Entrepreneurship: a gateway to a growing education
Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ENGAGED (Entrepreneurship: a gateway to a growing education) project involves the collaboration among IIS Scalcerle, other schools in the area, Xena for competence monitoring, City Hall and the Province of Padova, Fòrema from Confindustria. The partners are in 9 European countries.With some there is a situation of reciprocity, both in the Mobility and other LLP programs; the foreign network includes business companies, chemistry labs, public administrations, educational institutions, universities, museums, hotels and other partners in the fields of tourism, culture, commerce. We aim at consolidating and developing the mobility to keep offering many students the possibility to have temporary work placements abroad ( 1 of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020). The work placements abroad will be organized, monitored and evaluated according to ECVET criteria and they will be planned with the aim of acquiring increasing skills that can be acknowledged in several national and international contexts. The skills acquired in non-formal contexts can enhance a young person’s professional assets and they will be useful in a labour market that is evolving fast (Europe 2020 on increasing the employment rate). The new professions will require updated digital skills, initiative and entrepreneurship;thanks to pre-placement training, work placement activities and the availability of technological equipment in the classrooms and labs and free internet access, ENGAGED multiplies these learning opportunities in Italy and abroad (Digital competences, Europe 2020, Strategic 4 of ET 2020). The selection of the partners was based on the skills acquired by the trainees in preceding work placement experiences. With some partners of the Chemistry sector we share ECVET, which is now applied also in other educational environments. IIS Scalcerleis a member of the European CREDCHEM network for scientific occupation. With the hosting partners the learning goals in non-formal contexts, defined in LOUs (Learning Outcome Units), and the conditions for the work placements (objectives, duration, responsibilities of each institution) are agreed upon. The content and the quality of the LOUs are determined using tools such as the MoU and the LA. WithXenathe preparation, the monitoring and the certification of competences are elaborated. The beneficiaries of the ENGAGED project are 108 students, 91 from IIS Scalcerle and 17 from other schools who have already completed the 4th class and who are selected according to shared criteria. 30 of them are students from the Chemistry course and 78 are from the Foreign Language course. Among the “8 key competences”, here is a list of the ones who are more suitable for our beneficiaries: Knowing the world of international labour; Getting to know different cultures, increasing one’s social and civil competences; Acquiring language skills in more than one language; Increasing self-realization as equal opportunity citizens for female beneficiaries; promoting integration and self-esteem in young immigrants ( 3 ET 2020); Transferring theoretical knowledge to the working environment; Life-long learning. The crisis of the labour market dictates the partners to offer more opportunities to their students to train them for life-long learning and the enhancement of their basic skills (writing, calculation, science, technology) and communication skills in a foreign language (strategic 2 ET 2020). The activities will be: Information on the Erasmus+ program Preparation about the LOUs The work placements abroad Monitoring of the work placements Evaluation of the work placements and ECVET-directed certification. Dissemination of the results among peers and institutions. The methodology used is group work, the sharing of intentions among the partners and the debate among the work placement tutors on the contents and the objectives to be reached. A supervision group, formed by the headmasters and the person in charge of GATEWAY+,monitors the observance of deadlines, the regular execution of the activities, the observance of the agreements among partners and the use of the budget. The final qualitative evaluation will be determined among the participants, the tutors and the whole work group after certificates, final reports and the reports of the hosting companies. The feed back for the beneficiaries is the acquisition of the planned skills, for the educational community the transfer of the same to schoolmates through guided debates. The trainers/tutors group increases its competences on mobility and the use of foreign languages. The tested LOUs are transferred into the curricula of the sending schools and integrated in the educational plan of discipline departments. The consolidation of the partners’ network and mutual trust is the basic ground for collaboration and the development of future relationships. Duration: 01/12/2015 –1/12/2016
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