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"ENTER SK" - "Increase the Quality of Services in Hotel, Restaurant and Catering through Language Skills"

Project “ENTER SK” offered one possible solution to the complex problem of the lack of innovative approaches and inaccessibility of teaching materials for the vocationally oriented language learning in Slovak VET system, in specific field of Hotel, Restaurant and Catering (HRC) related professions. One of the project partners, Private Hotel Academy (SHA) from Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia,was tackling this problem on daily basis; one example being the concrete experience of students participating in practical work stays in school partnership institutions abroad, where they were unable to communicate in foreign language, lacking basic vocational terminology related workplace and work processes and also general communication skills. From this reason, 3 national Slovak institutions and 2 partners from abroad decided to create a partnership network and provided solutions to address this problem. Therefore, project aimed at supporting innovative approaches in vocationally oriented language learning, in specific field of HRC, through the transfer of existing innovative teaching methodology used in CZ – ecoaching platform and specific learning management system/LMS and existing blended learning methodology in UK, using animations and pictures. These innovations are being combined, and along with the development of specific vocational language content in the area of HRC related professions, we believe to increase the quality of services in this area through language skills and accessibility of teaching and learning vocational materials, in EN, DE and FR, for teachers and students. In Slovakia, apart from SHA, ŠIOV contributed mainly to dissemination of project results among other vocational schools in Slovakia; CFME (SK) as a distributor of innovative e-learning methods for schools guarantees the project sustainability and smooth project running, based on previous experience with such a project. 6 support letters, undersigned by Slovak VET schools and one University, expressed the interest of the institutions involved in HRC for further dissemination of project results. In the project, we worked on the main outcomes in the form of online interactive modules based on ecoaching platform, using pictures, animations and videos, providing interactive language exercises for students and teachers.
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4 Partners Participants