European Projects
Entrepreneurship enhancement and reinforceme..
Entrepreneurship enhancement and reinforcement
In the actual context of the global economy, starting companies face a very competitive market where knowledge,adaptability and dynamical behaviour are required. Entrepreneurs must be aware, from the first moment, of the bestpractices in their area and know the most advanced management techniques, so that their company might be successful.Effective working tools that fit the needs of promoters of innovative projects and provide them with these abilitiesbeforehand are essential to consistently develop, in the European Community countries, a true entrepreneurial spirit thatcollaboratively exploits National and regional cultural differences to provide new solutions and development paths.To cope with the requirements of an effective approach to entrepreneurship motivation, training and mentoring, newtools, contents and activities must be designed and developed. E-Learning platforms, together with pedagogical andorganizational strategies, already proved able to support a new way of learning, more personalized, just-in-time, morefitted to individual needs, more flexible in content and time and to make people able to answer in a more efficient way tothe actual challenges. However, current e-learning methodologies must still be further explored to provide anenvironment that combines an individual immersion on the platform (through virtual simulators, for instance) with truepeer collaboration.The ENTER project addresses these needs, by focussing on the following objectives:1) to create a realistic and competitive learning environment, through e-learning, that will promote a specificentrepreneurial training/counsellingprogramme offering an integrated guidance to entrepreneurs from the early stage of motivation and idea generationthrough the personalised support in implementing business projects and nurturing recently created companies inincubators;2) to reinforce the start-up of science and technology based companies by motivating University stakeholders (students,teachers andresearchers) and putting them in contact with the enterprise world3) to promote the interaction between main public and private operators such as universities, development agencies,science and technology parks and enterprise associations so that it can contribute to a successful transition betweenconception and establishment phases.The ENTER project results can produce an high impact in terms of Europe economy by contributing to a strongreinforcement of the entrepreneurial spirit and to the number of new ICT based companies.