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Enseignement professionnel LEGTA Grenoble St Ismier
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our institution trains 300 secondary school pupils (Bac Technologique and Bac Pro) and students for higher education diploma (BTSA) in the fields of landscaping and management of natural areas and fauna. We began organizing European activities in 2009 (Leonardo mobility through a regional consortium, creation of a European section in English in Technological Baccalaureate, welcoming of teaching assistants from 2014) and we obtained Erasmus and Erasmus+ Charter. After the end of the regional consortium of Les Sardières institution, we decided to carry on placement and staff mobility ourselves. This is our first mobility project for VET learners and staff and it explains some mistakes in mobility flows estimation (we planned the flows for 2 years but a grant agreement can only finance the placements of one school year because of our main placements dates in June). Our general goals for this project were of lingual and cultural, professional, and pedagogical nature. We have made progress in these 3 areas, we have increased our mobility, developed our partnerships and improved the quality and impact of our activities. We planned to increase learners work placements, particularly for Bac Pro learners, and to begin staff mobility. We chose to give priority to European section teachers who would like to improve their skills in English. This goals were widely achieved: - 9 placement mobility achieved for an estimation of 6 to 7 per year (so we asked for 13 mobility for a 24 months agreement), it is for us a 30% increase. The participants were 6 Bac Techno pupils and 3 Bac Pro ones. They have been selected mostly regarding their motivation. The activities during the placements were strongly connected with their cursus, with our priorities and topics: landscaped gardens maintenance in heritage sites, management of natural areas and fauna studies in a mountain national park. The mobility positively impacted on the motivation, on the autonomy, on the professional skills and on the results of the pupils. - 2 staff training mobility fin the United Kingdom (work shadowing in lectures or in the field) were awarded to a biology teacher interested for teaching in English in our European section class. This mobility helped her improve her English skills and promote new pedagogical methods. The 2014 project enabled us to strengthen our alliances and to form new partnerships with institutions and welcoming organizations in our professional fields and in the countries we focused on, the United Kingdom and Spain. Unfortunately the plans with Belgium partners couldn’t be achieved. Through this project we implemented a steering committee for selecting the participants, generalized planning meetings and pupils tutoring, organized a day for cultural preparation before the departure and a meeting for debriefing and personal and professional evaluation after the return. OM funding enabled us to organize interns visits for 2 teachers (7 students and 4 welcoming organizations concerned). All this helped us improve the quality of our mobility. Impact: • These mobility had a ripple effect on the institution’s European dynamics: pupils’ applications for European and international internships are multiplying and an educational team of teachers has been formed for carrying out European projects. After returning from their mobility the teachers promote European mobility among their pupils and colleagues. • Teams responsible for management, administration, and accounting have developed methods that improve effectiveness in contractual and financial terms. Progress in the dissemination activity should even improve that impact in the future. This project helped us improve our European openness and impulse a dynamic for European projects among our pupils, our staff and our local partners.
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