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Enrichir l'appropriation de la langue anglaise et la culture britannique en primaire
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are 2 teachers in the school, teaching GS-CP and CE1-CE2. We consider we are lucky working in a rural school. But rurality has got its limits, especially concerning the cultural field. Few openings towards the outside world are offered to our pupils. For purposes of a cultural enrichment, we 're convinced that learning a foreign language also gives the children the opportunity to discover the traditions and customs of a new country. The objectives of our project (training course in GB) are firstly to be immersed in the British everyday life and traditions, so that we can then, better share this cultural experience with our pupils. Authentic materials ( recordings of nursery rhymes, leaflets of museums, bus tickets....) will be gathered and will enhance the photos, videos and recordings taken and done there. We 'll build up a toolkit including all the materials, using the methods and teaching skills we observed during our visits in primary classes. We'll be also watchful using the materials with a wellthought out progression. One of the participants teaches English from 2nd to 5th grade.During the training session, she will also focus on finding materials and observing teaching skills to teach writing skills (as indicate in the curriculum). The other participant (teaching GS-CP) will pay more attention to materials helping to teach oral skills. Both teachers want to participate to the activity also to bring up to level their lexical, phonological, grammatical knowledge and skills, in order to improve their professionnal development in teaching a foreign language skills. They will be more confident in speaking the English language with their pupils. Secondly, through this course, the teachers will learn to use the site etwinning to dessiminate their work. They will be in contact with English and more widely European teachers. They'll be able to start letters and exchanges with the British partners met during their stay (continuity of the project) and moreover considerer other exchanges with European countries. That would surely be a way of promoting European citizenship.. Learning and speaking a foreign language can't be conceived without a regularity of this activity taught in a serene atmosphere. Thanks to this experience, the 2 teachers will have gain some fluency in their way of communicating and gain better knowledge of teaching material, so that they'll be more confident. The students will have authentic material that will help them to identify themselves as British pupils and will make their learning more concrete and motivating. And why not consider a shooltrip t Britain or another european country? The main purpose being to open up our students to the outside world.
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