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Enquiry based learning at school
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SKILL BASED and LIFE LONG learning, including 21st century skills, are becoming more and more important in European educational systems. RESEARCH is done in many schools, but not often is the research TRANSNATIONAL IN EXECUTION. Traditions regarding the execution of research and teaching research skills at schools vary. Sharing best practice between schools from DIFFERENT COUNTRIES will contribute to EQUIPING learners for a dynamic EUROPEAN JOB MARKET. This project therefore aims at strengthening ENQUIRY BASED approach and research skills in teachers and students. Hence this project is aimed at* for TEACHERS developing a TRANSNATIONAL CURRICULUM regarding teaching RESEARCH SKILLS by sharing BEST PRACTICE * for STUDENTS - Enhancing RESEARCH SKILLS , increasing PRESENTATION SKILLS and enhancing EVALUATIVE SKILLS through SELF-and PEER assessment.Five schools take part in this project: IES Ramiro de Maeztu (Madrid, Spain), Istituto E. Montale Nuovo IPC (Genoa, Italy), John Fitzgerald Kennedy Schule (Berlin, Germany) , Kungsholmes Gymnasium (Stockhokm, Sweden) and Lorentz Lyceum (Arnhem, The Netherlands). IES Ramiro de Maeztu, Lorentz Lyceum and Kungsholmes Gymnasium are bilingual schools which have International Baccaularate Sections. All these five partners are points of reference for schools in their cities and, as International Baccaularate schools, they have a great experience in research, innovation and collaboration projects. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Schule is a school of reference in Berlin because of its bilingual program, with broad experience in research projects . Finally, Istituto E Montale Nuovo is an innovative school specialised in language learning. The METHODOLOGY is that we let both teachers and students learn form each other's best practice though the presentation of research in TRANSNATIONAL, PEER REVIEWED workshops organised around certain research themes.The teachers will use the symposia and teacher meetings to get FEED BACK and to establish best international practice and develop common materials for teaching research- and presenting skills.Hence in this project NINE MEETINGS WITH TEACHER -TRAINING ACTIVITIES will be organised , five of them alongside student symposia , where teachers explore DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES and BEST PRACTICE in ENQUIRY BASED LEARNING . Through the student symposia teachers will evaluate the process and the developed approaches to learning. They will develop a INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINE FOR BOTH STUDENTS AND TEACHERS towards student research and ENQUIRY BASED LEARNING with accompanying TEACHING MATERIALS. Five STUDENT SYMPOSIA in which 4 SELECTED STUDENTS from each participating school and 16 students from the receiving school o present their HIGH ACHIEVING RESEARCH PROJECTS 0 work on the development of "PROBLEMATIC " question in research o Reflect on their work presented: SELF ASSESSMENT o Receive and give feedback and feed-forward from fellow students: PEER ASSESSMENT o RECEIVE feedback and feed-forward from the accompanying TEACHERS of various schools present at the symposium o can benefit from the developing common approach of teaching strategies. Each school will host one of the symposia and organises a solid scientic research visiting programme. The receiving school selects 16 students to participate in the programme. The visiting schools participate with 1 teachers and 4 students each. The expected results of the project will be the following ones:- INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINE AND MATERIALS FOR BOTH STUDENTS AND TEACHERS in the areas of research skills, peer review and presentation skills-SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, POSTERS, ACADEMIC ARTICLES, WEBSITES AND VIDEOS created during the project. The expected impact is the following:- To spread good practices among schools , teacher Organisations and TEACHER TRAINING COLLEGES- to increase professional teacher development and collaboration at a regional, national, European and International level- students will have a first successfull and stimulating experience of presenting their WORK in a transnational setting.- The LANGUAGE competence of students will be improved- The RESEARCH and PRESENTATION skills of STUDENTS AND TEACHERS will be improvedFinally the plan involves DISTRIBUTING the student and teacher products of this project during and after the project.- The aim is to create such COLLABORATION that also after the project finishes the schools will KEEP working together on improving research and giving students and teachers experience of doing research in a transnational setting by jointly use the materials developed and also by collaboration or joint VIDEOCONFERENCING workshops and DISTANCE PEER REVIEW .

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