Enjoy Europe
Start date: Oct 1, 2015,
End date: Jul 31, 2016
Enjoy Europe is a project that has been developed in Madrid aimed at children between 8 and 14 years, in collaboration with various youth associations. Participating countries are Spain, Austria and the Netherlands.
Activities have been directed towards non-formal learning of children and designed to endow participants with skills that they can then develop in their spare time for it to be profitable. They are of all kinds: music, sports, handicraft, nature and environment, computer, photography, moviemaking and especially intercultural workshops. All this is aimed at promoting respect, tolerance, communication, and knowledge of customs from other places and other people. European volunteers have participated in organizing workshops and have provided other workshops. Their presence has been especially important in Intercultural workshops where they have developed, daily, various recreational activities such as theater, cinema, and games about Europe and other countries, crafts, international cuisine, etc.
Everything done is aimed at promoting a lifestyle and a healthy entertainment and to promote cultural exchange between children and EVS volunteers.
Both volunteers have been integrated into the team of the FPSC, actively participating in the planning, organization, implementation and evaluation of activities. They have been usually accompanied by a responsible of the activity and under the supervision of the Foundation Social Promotion of Culture.
The tasks performed are summarized as follows:
- Help in planning and evaluation of activities aimed at children
- Attention and participation in cultural activities, training, school support, volunteer, and promoting multiculturalism.
- Attention and participation in sports and leisure time as games and excursions.
- Attention and participation of children in urban summer camps in July.
- Attention and participation in two or three activities to promote cultural diversity through workshops that promote concern about other cultures, respect and building an European culture.
- Participation in training sessions for volunteers from the host organization
- Support in organizing a party for families at the end of the school year
- Updating a website and a blog of experiences
- Support The Foundation staff in project development, dissemination and training of other young people in the Erasmus program +
- The Foundation meanwhile, has facilitated the young Europeans active participation in its projects.
Being two young girls, 17 and 18 years old, this experience has given them a good training in planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating those jobs that will have to develop in their professional life. The FPSC has welcomed the youngsters, has helped them with the language and suggested leisure activities for the weekend in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
The experience for the two young girls has been enriching and training as they have learned to work in teams, solve problems, make decisions, to know themselves better and to propose new challenges, they have learned a new language and known a new country.
The young Dutch girl has lived in a family in which she has been treated as a member and with which she has ties of friendship once the project was completed. The young Austrian has lived in a dorm where she has made good friends and has had the opportunity to interact with people of her age and participate in cultural activities offered by the dormitory.
In short, Enjoy Europe aims to increase the positive awareness of all participants towards other cultures.