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Enhancing Teaching Competency in Võru Kreutzwaldi Kool
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to strategic framework „Education and Training 2020” one of the main objectives is to enhance the educational and training systems of EU member states. Võru Kreutzwaldi Kool is a school newly established at the beginning of the current school year 2015/16. Locating in a small border area with the population decline, it`s essential for our students to acquire knowledge and skills that would help them compete equally with students from other areas. Therefore the teachers of our school have great responsibility in their teaching process.For 12 years the teachers of our school haven`t participated in any international in-service training courses, therefore they have little experience and knowledge of new trends in foreign language teaching methods. As there are English-biased classes in the school then enhancing teachers` professional competency is of particular importance. Our school needs innovative teachers with high professional competence who are able to motivate their students and provide them with the best education.According to our school development plan the current staff mobility project will make a good contribution to achieving our staff development goals:1. to support teachers` professional development to make teaching and learning process more innovative2. to increase teachers` cultural awareness and tolerance and encourage them to establish international networks of cooperation enhancing European identity and producing self-identifying European citizens3. to improve foreign language skills of all the teachersThe objectives of the mobility project „Enhancing Teaching Competency in Võru Kreutzwaldi Kool” are:1. enhancing English teachers` professional development2. acquiring new experience and knowledge for successful implementation of international projects3. acquiring new innovative teaching technics for using in teaching and learning process4. acquiring and mastering new ICT skills for using in the classroom5. broadening students` horizons and raising their culture awareness and tolerance7 teachers participate in the staff mobility project: 6 English teachers and 1 IT teacher. All the teachers respond to a request for qualifications.By this Learning Mobility Project the participants will:1. enhance personal language skills and improve their communicative competence in English;2. acquaint themselves with the last developments in the language learning methodology;3. learn how to create and use the authentic exercises in the language learning;4. know how to develop student-centred learning and independency in the learning process;5. broaden their knowledge of the English-speaking world, culture, history and geography;6. get an overview of different school systems and teaching methodologies;7. get a possibility to create international networks of cooperation in order to launch different projects in the future; 8. acquire the compentence in drama as being one of the best CLIL methods;9. obtain the knowledge of different multiple intelligences;10. gain elaborated knowledge how to teach English so that students with different multiple intelligences get the maximm from education;11. master various good practises how to motivate the students;12. study the opportunities to use new digital devices in the language classroom;13. broaden their mental horizons;14. get the experience of international course and encourage the colleagues to initiate their own Learning Mobility.Being the biggest basic school in Võru County the project will have an utmost impact on the great number of students (676 students). Experiences acquired with the help of this project will be shared among other teachers in the county as well. The outputs will be the seminars and workshops organised for the English teachers of the county. In addition, presentations are held at a county methodology conference for all the teachers.The current Learning Mobility Project supports and enhances the activities of the other international projects carried out at school. In turn, it will contribute to integration process between subjects and makes it necessary to use ICT in the lessons evolving good teamwork. The added value for students is raising culture awareness, encouraging their participation in the international networks of cooperation which will produce self-identifying European citizens. The international mobility enables the participants to exchange experiences with other European teachers both in teaching methodologies and in terms of international project work. All the aims mentioned above originate from the school development plan.As a result of the Learning Mobility Project “Enhancing Teaching Competency in Võru Kreutzwaldi Kool” our school will enhance and develop important life skills (language, culture, digital skills etc.) and carry out qualitative European projects. There will be a basic school with international in-service training experience in South Estonia.
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