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Enhancing European dimension and standards in the school-based quality assurance procedures
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

On the basis of the “European Development Plan of Elektrostrojarska škola for the period 2015-2019” and the most urgent needs / priorities for the period 2015, the specific objectives of this mobility project are: - To enhance understanding of Elektrostrojarska škola's on Quality Assurance Team on the most advanced approaches in the areas of quality assurance and benchmarking in education that are applicable at the secondary school level ; - To facilitate the transfer of competences as regards the development of the state-of-the-art career guidance services for secondary school students. The main activity of the project is the implementation of selected structured courses/trainings. The key staff members that will be involved in this mobility project are: (a) School Director, who will act as the Project Manager of this mobility project and will personally participate in 3 of the selected structured courses/trainings. He possess the comprehensive experience of managing projects that were funded by the EU programmes (1 project funded under IPA programme - Component IV and several projects funded under Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013). He is a member of the school's Quality Assurance Team (for further details on the Quality Assurance Team see section F. Participants' Profile). (b) School Psychologist who will personally participate in all of the selected structured courses/trainings. He is a member of the school's Quality Assurance Team. Being a psychologist, he possess general knowledge on the career counselling approaches as well as basic knowledge as to the concrete methods for the career guidance in secondary schools. He participated in the majority of the school's projects funded under Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 (c) Other staff members who will be involved in the project are teachers of general or vocation subjects. They are also members of the the school's Quality Assurance Team. All of them have experience of participating in the school's projects (inlcuding mobility projects funded under Lifelong Learning Programmes 2007-2013 and the EU pre-acession programmes for the Republic of Croatia (PHARE programme, IPA programme).
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