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Enhancing employability and skills for life looking at and sharing good practice in teaching within different educational systems across the Europe
Start date: Aug 22, 2016, End date: Oct 21, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Back ground: Holyrood Secondary School is keen to develop pupil's academic achievements and also truly believe that we can support our students with the skills and attitudes that are required for the world of work. In a society which is moving towards Global Citizenship and as a priority of Scottish Education we outlined in a self-evaluation of our school the need for improving the already high standard quality of the learning experience we offer to our students. Global citizenship brings together education for citizenship, international education and sustainable development education and recognises the common outcomes and principles of these three areas. While on the one hand in Holyrood we already have in place several activities as part of the Determined to Succeed initiative on the other hand we looked at the possibility to exchange good practice and establish collaborative connections with other European countries as a fundamental requirement for meeting some of the needs described in our improvement plan. In the aforementioned context we want to develop more ways to support pupils of differing abilities and our more challenging pupils giving them a more tailored courses which can provide them with skills for life. We want to improve our programme to support positive behaviour management and a consistency of approach across the school, marrying this with the aims of our PAR programme. We want to support staff in engaging with Professional Update. We believe that job-shadowing is a great opportunity for a more efficient hands-on Professional Update. In particular, we aim to gather a better understanding of assessment, reporting, developing of curriculum in the lower as well as the higher school with particular attention to the Science Department, but we also want to share with the partner school a good practice we recently developed in application of Statistics in Science. In order to address our needs we appreciate that the chance of observation and exchanging of good practice with other European countries could help us to open our minds to a better view for the addressing of our needs in formative and summative assessment, as well as in increasing and improving the quality of the opportunities we already offers to our students for outdoor learning. We aim to evaluate the observed good practice and implement it in our monitoring track system, curriculum and outdoor learning through the organisation of working groups within our school. In addition, we want to use this opportunity to develop and consolidate international working relationship with partner schools. The key staff is Gabriella Rodolico Gibson. She is one of our biology teachers and her expertise will give her the chance to share and to observe the good practice between countries. Gabriella is a Biotechnologist with a PhD background. While she has a very deep understanding of Biology matters with particular attention to the molecular Biology, Physiology and cell biology she also has a broader view of the other 2 sciences. She has completed her Secondary School and Degree studies in Italy, where the education system includes a vocational secondary school which allows students to choose the Programs and not the subjects. For this reason Gabriella had to complete an Higher Education in Biology as well as Chemistry and Physics which gives her a good overview over the 3 Sciences. In addition having completed her PhD studies and teacher training course abroad gave her the opportunity to be exposed to 2 totally different educational system with the ability to appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of both systems.This has allowed her to develop the right open mind for observing and reporting on different educational system and for analysing efficiently advantages and disadvantages of them.September 2016Mr Stefan Törnblom will visit Holyrood Secondary School. The plan includes:1) Observation of teaching sections of the upper school2)Teaching section of upper school May 2017 Dr. Gabriella Gibson will go to visit Karolinska Secondary School. The plan includes:1) Observation of teaching sections of the upper school2)Observation of delivering of science curriculum in a compulsory education school. In particular our member of staff has been invited to visit the Internationella Engelska Skolan. 3)Trip around the Karolinska Secondary School area for a deeper understanding hands-on of the outdoor activities promoted by the schoolwe shall have a successful implementation of new courses at each observed level (Higher and Advanced Higher with particular attention to Biology) with further improvement re Nat5 and Nat4 Biology with particular focus on environmental sustainability , and further improvement of BGE contents with particular attention to the 3 sciences.
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