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Enhancing capacities in implementation of institutional quality assurance systems and typology using Bologna process principles
Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Quality of higher education (HE) is the basic priority of HE development during last decades in many countries of the world. In Europe, the Bologna process (BP) has declared the quality of HE as one of the major priorities. In CA region the quality assurance (QA) systems and mechanisms are the national priorities while the BP type reforms constitute one of the regional priorities. The consortium 5 institutions of Programme countries (PrCs-CZ, ES LV,SK,) and 6 HEIs from Partner countries (PaCs - KZ and UZ) was established with the aim to enhance the capacities in implementation of internal QA systems in PaCs using the European standards and guidelines (ESG). The specific objectives will be - Mapping the situation in the field of QA in PaCs and their HEIs; - Identification of the principles of BP relevant for HEIs in PaCs, interactive training with sharing experience among HEIs of Pr and Pa Cs; setting the institutional profiles of HEIs of PaCs with exploitation of U-map methodology;- Development of internal new/innovative, modified QA systems of HEIs of PaCs. The process will be composed of the first draft of QA systems, piloting with the supports of site-visit of expert teams of PrCs and consultations leading to the final versions of internal QA systems considering national rules/institutional regulations, Institutional missions (profiles) and exploiting ESG. The main results will be 6 internal QA systems, 6 self-evaluation reports and Final Synthesis Report (complemented with descriptive studies, training/teaching materials, analytical case, national and comparative studies) freely available to all interested stakeholders also after the end of the project lifetime (approving the sustainability of the project results). Dissemination of project results will run through the project website, facebook, leaflets announcing the project events, Final Synthesis Report and two dissemination conferences.
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10 Partners Participants