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Enhancement of the intercultural competences of the pedagogue-communities in the Hungarian-Romanian border regions (Competenlty)
Start date: Oct 31, 2009, End date: Oct 30, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Former researches have presented the disadvantageous situation of the pedagogues and of the educational institutions in the Hungarian-Romanian border regions, as a result of the lower social and economic development of these areas. Among the characteristics of this region are: high level of unemployment, presence of ethnical minorities with notably different social and cultural background, low interest for education, lack of perspective for the local middle-aged and older pedagogues combined with the phenomena of intellectual burnout. The project addresses the cooperation of the region's educational institutions and pedagogues, with the purpose of increasing the qualification and development of pedagogical human resources.The general objective of the project is the promotion of the region's economic development through the enhancement of the local educational network. Target groups: Pedagogues-communities on both sides of the border. The main specific activities of the project and results are: organising training courses, seminars, conferences and trainings on the topic of intercultural communication, developing social and economic competences, editing and publishing pedagogical volumes of studies, organizing possibilities for change of experience, establishing a cross-border cultural institution for local pedagogues.
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  • 84.3%   137 771,41
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants