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Enhanced Skills, Competence And Practice for the Economy
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ESCAPE is aimed at increasing the skills and competence of the students of the schools taking part in the project. This will be acomplished by joining students in international online groups to work on specific topics. We will also apply for being accepted as a project within the EUSDR (PA 09). We compare curriculums from different countries to work out new teaching and learning materials for the subjects English, Geography, ICT, Business Studies, Ecology, Economics and Business Behaviour with a view to creating something like a curriculum for a Business Academy for the Danube Region. We will offer students certificates for modules they have covered to be presented when applying for a job. We come together at training events where we will deal with 7 topics (transport, energy, environment, education, economy, tourism and employment). We will test the newly developed teaching material both at our own schools and in international groups during project meetings, and will evaluate the outcome with the students involved. We will investigate job creation schemes alongside national action plans and look for international cooperation. The outcome of the whole project should be better job opportunities for our students due to the international approach of the activities. Among the aims there will be: • Fostering tourism in your own country • Learning to present assets and a positive image of your country • Getting involved in economic aspects, like promoting package holidays or certain local products • Learning how to fill in application forms for EU grants ( might be an important skill if our students go out and work – and experience with that might certainly be an invaluable asset) • learning about job opportunities abroad – where to search for and where to find a job opportunity • Increase in language proficiency • Intercultural learning in an intercultural team • Support for better integration into the EU • Raising awareness for people in need and supporting measures for charity projects • Transfer of educational knowledge by passing on teaching materials • Learning basic words of language of project countries and producing a basic guide for tourists ( production of MP3 files for that) • Learn how to fill in booking forms ( e.g. for holidays) and giving feedback about advantages and disadvantages of such platforms (might be useful information for providers) • we compare curriculums in different countries and try to pass on contents that work well to be adopted by the others. We will offer this curriculum model also to other schools • we work together with local chambers of commerce and job centres to raise job opportunities for our students and to put them in contact with enterprises • we foster an exchange of cultural aspects between the countries involved • each school gets in contact with tourist information centres to source information about the region in languages of the partner schools • During each training event we learn some basic phrases of the local language. * We will establish a PR/dissemination group at each school to make the results of our work known * On top of the multilateral meetings we will hold one training event just for teachers for special evaluation purposes and future sustainable plans for the time after the project meeting. * we seek workplacement opportunities for our studens that will act as a follow-up and deepening of the international and intercultural experience and will add a practical approach. For that we will seek extra funding on the basus of the former Leonardo scheme * we will offer our courses on our website to anyone interested in taking part * we will ask our ministries of education to approve our courses * we will work with eTwinning, where we will also integrate a school from Moldova * we will cooperate with schools in Nis and Paracin in Serbia, that are part of the school network Palinish * the Danube Region will be focus for the integration of further schools from further countries * by that we want to expand our activities beyond current EU countries and link up with candidate countries and others in the region * we will seek to become accepted as an official EUSDR programme project * we intend to create awareness for the importance of the macro-economic Danube Region * we aim at helping integrate economic activities in the region We communicate by • Bimonthly newletters • eTwinning • a website created for the project * email and skype * webinars

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