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Enhanced Power Pilot Line - EPPL (EPPL)
Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A sustainable and competitive European power semiconductor industry is essential to support the megatrend developments formulated in the Europe 2020 strategy - climate change, energy security, food security, and health and aging population. In practically all these areas, power semiconductors play a vital role. Thus, it is of paramount importance to defend and further extend Europe’s leading position in both power manufacturing science(s) and the corresponding application domains. Maintaining these core competencies clearly requires a major, comprehensive and carefully coordinated pan-national innovation effort. Consequently, EPPL will combine Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) efforts with demonstration activities addressing market readiness by industrial implementation in an early stage. Thus, EPPL aims at making a decisive step forward to strengthen Europe’s leading position in power semiconductor technologies and More-than-Moore manufacturing capabilities, relating in particular to possibly energy-efficient electronic solutions. 2nd generation power semiconductor devices fabricated in European leading pilot lines based on 300mm wafer production are the scope of the project, for which manufacturing excellence, cost competitiveness and challenging applications are critical boundary conditions.
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