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Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jun 16, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our proyect, can provide different opportunities to get involved in every one of the projects which, as a community, we are developing and that we have explained above. Besides, volunteers can benefit from courses of free-time instructors, Spanish, Catalan. The role of volunteers is to strengthen the existing structures within the community, collaborating in different areas already chosen to exercise a role of support and service. Participation in strictly religious activities is not obligatory for the EVS volunteer. The volunteer activities Work and training can be very varied. I detail each of the areas in which the volunteer could get involved. Depending on the time of year we would dedicate more effort to one or another or as they are being developed. 2.- “Compasión”: It is an area of assistance to people who are the most disadvantaged in our environment and who are sent by the social services of the council. It consists of preparing packs of food for 100 families which are served each week. Your attention and reception as worthy as possible offering some coffee, looking after people and helping to take them home to those who cannot. We also help people to make arrangements or business tasks such as paperwork, and help them to perform any different tasks we see necessary and whose lack of initiative or other problems don’t allow them to solve. Every week we receive food from the Food Bank and other companies that supply us either for free or for purchase, and we need to go to collect, store... This area has one full-time person and more than 30 volunteers at agreed times. 3.- “Restaurant Solidari”: El restaurant solidari is a new project this year and requires much effort but with a high percentage of integration for the people involved, because they might feel valued and part of the project. There are more than 50 volunteers who are also the participants of the restaurant and their work are both helping in the kitchen and table service and cleaning the place. This includes training for the development of the tasks and also the training in team work, management, and workshops that enrich the person and place it again in the starting point for social inclusion. The volunteer would join the team of this place in order to be one more and participate in the entire program.
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