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English Teacher Training Course
Start date: Jul 7, 2014, End date: Jul 6, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The partner school is one of Ireland's leading teacher training TEFL organisation and language training provider. The school runs courses in English language training for international students as well as teacher refresher courses for teacher who do not speak English as a first language. The school accreditated by the Irish Department of Education (ACELS) and FETAC and the international organization EAQUALS as well as being members of MEI (marketing English in Ireland) and Qualitiy English. The school is also a Cambridge Examinations, TOEIC examinations and TIE examinations centre. Our school wants to improve the quality of teaching competence in our classrooms as well as building bridges with other schools nationally and internationally sharing ideas and best practices. Furthermore we would like to develop a vision and a school policy adding an international aspect (knowledge and cultural) to school subjects, projects and curriculum. We would also like to set up further international activities with partners abroad in order to improve the language competence of English language knowledge and its use in the classroom, the use of technologies in the classroom - interactive whiteboard / internet usage / social media as well as new teaching methods (competence orientated teaching and individual support) especially in the area of English and economics. Through sharing ideas and through finding further partners with eTwinning future school projects and subjects can have an enlarged international element. Moreover studies in an English speaking country our teachers will improve their own language skills and knowledge both inside and outside the classroom in social and cultural events organised by the training provider. Language skills improved through overseas study will have a direct impact on their language teaching and communication in the classroom. The participating teachers will be mediators to their colleagues at our school and will have to participate in future strategic development planning for the school into the future. We plan to use the etwinning network to share some of the experiences and knowledge we gain through training of our staff overseas with other teachers based locally, nationally and internationality who do not get the opportunity to travel overseas. The two participating colleagues: Mrs. Britt, headteacher of English, teaches geography as well and is responsible for international coordination at our school. She already has experience with setting up international partnerships through Comenius projects and we expect her to successfully establish new partnerships. Mrs. Abel is a graduated teacher for economics and IT and has recently gained her certificate as an English teacher and would like to improve her ability to speak English so that she will be able to teach economics and IT bilingual. Furthermore we expect her to take over the training courses at our school for TELC or Cambridge Certificate. Methodology: Our project partner will offer a course for our staff that contains English language linguistic training and pronunciation work, lesson planning, in class project planning/set up and development, syllabus design, use of technologies in the classroom (ICT), and offer elements of job shadowing and work experience so our teachers can see how teachers work in other classrooms (planning of lessons/delivery of input/classroom management/ choice of materials). Most communication with our overseas partner, Bridge Mills Galway Language Centre, will be by email. The partner school coordinators will communicate directly with each other. Pre course linguistic tasks which will be sent by the training provider by email to all candidates in advance of travel. Results, impact and potential longer term benefits: Candidates will improve their knowledge, skills and ability to contribute to developing school policy with an international aspect to school subjects, projects and curriculum gained from their experience on the course and intercommunication with other teachers. They will improve English language competence and its use in the classroom. Furthermore the improved knowledge of Irish culture etc. as well as knowledge of approaches taken to classroom work in other countries will help to establish common bond between students in the European classroom. Thus enable the students to become competent, informed European citizens. That can help to build the future of Europe.

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