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Englisch als Arbeitssprache Lehrerfortbildung
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The New Middle School Himberg has two higher objectives – the improvement of the quality of teaching and the sharpening of our students’ conscious for the community we live in – for the European Union. We endeavor to offer our students possibilities to experience the huge dimensions of the EU and to see it as a real chance for everybody’s future. That is why on the one hand we focus on teaching foreign languages, especially English, and we apply it as a working language in various school subjects. On the other hand we participate in EU-wide international projects to enable our students to practice and improve their language competence in the field. The present project is a perfect way to progressing in both directions – learning English at school and using it for real international communication in cooperation projects with other countries. The continuing education and training for teachers in Malta and Ireland promises to improve teachers’ skills in applying English as working language and at the same time it offers a valuable chance to profit from the exchange of ideas and experience with teachers from abroad. One of the main benefits of a project like this is that teachers meet, communicate and interlink for future cooperation. Our participants are the headmaster Mrs. Zita Schatzl MA and Mrs. Iva Maltrovsky MAMA. For Mrs. Zita Schatzl the continuing education and training of teachers is an important statement. Therefor her application for the project has among others a significant role model function. She places great value on innovation and international cooperation that finds its expression in our present participation in the Comenius project Unvoiced Narratives of Children with schools from seven EU partner states. At present Mrs. Iva Maltrovsky MAMA teaches English, English Conversation and Political Education at our school. She also teaches History, Russian and Japanese. She has got the qualifications needed and would strongly benefit from the methodological training our Galway partner is offering in interdisciplinary teaching of History with English as working language. We hope that improvement of qualification and gain of international experience will give fresh impetus to our intended school development both in enhance of language competence and in our pursuit of internationalization. It will also influence our partner schools in the local area since we use to exchange tips, experience and achievements.
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