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Englannin kieli ja opetusmetodit
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The English Language and Methodology project aims to develop the teaching of English in Tiistilän koulu (Tiistilä school) in Matinkylä, Espoo. This is motivated by the joining of two formerly separated schools, a primary and a secondary school, into one comprehensive school that offers education to children between 6 and15 years. This change happened in 2012 and resulted in changes in the work of the staff. Other motivations are the new national curriculum of 2016, the school's multicultural student substance and the new and diversified teaching methodology, for instance the use of electric teaching material. The aim of the project is to offer a possibility to additional training for a language teacher of the school in an English speaking environment. The teacher taking part to the project will be attending a course in England aimed at teachers of English as a foreign language . The purpose is to maintain the teacher's professional knowlegde, improve the command of varied teaching methods and use them with students of different age groups and keep the teacher's language skills up-to-date, especially when it comes to vocabulary. The course also provides an opportunity the share experieces with teachers from other countries. The teacher taking part to the course will share what she has learned with the rest of the staff, especially colleagues theaching languages. The participant of the project is a member of the teaching staff who has shown interest in additional training organized abroad. The person in question has attended training in Finland ja believes that training organized abroad will be useful both personally as to the whole school. The course that the teacher will attend is aimed especially for teaching English but will benefit teaching other subjects, especially when it comes to methodology. The key part of the project is a two-week long course organised in England aimed at teachers of English. The teacher taking part in the project will attend the course during her summer vacation. Before the project begun the teacher discussed with her superior what developmental needs she and the school had regarding teaching English. A suitable course was found and contacted. Before the course starts the teacher will aswer a questionnaire sent by the school, pre-book a place for herself and make other practical arrangements. The out come of the course will be used and shared during the next school year. The aim is to use in practise the new teaching methods in classroom situations and share what has been learned with the rest of the staff. The teacher taking part to the projet will attend a course that includes versatile classroom teaching and excursions to destinations applicable to the topic. The teacher will use what she has learned on the course during the next school year. The spreadding of her experience will take place in for instance staff meetings. As a result of the project, the teacher in question will have up-dated her skills regarding teaching methods so that they correspond to the requirements of the new curriculum and the teaching of students of varied age-groups and back grounds. An expected impact is the growth of motivation and joy of learing in the students, when taught by new teaching methods and an improvement in learning outcomes. As the teacher will share her experience wiht the rest of the staff, it is possible to see the results in the whole school. Additionally, the language skills and motivation of the teacher in question will increase, and the school will have more international contacts through her. The results of the project will be discussed by the teacher and her superior in their yearly development discussion during the next school year. The results may also manifest itself in questionnaires filled in by the staff, the students and their guardians. Longer term benefits can be seen in the maintaing of the high quality of language teaching in the school and goog learing out comes as its result. Also the motivation on the teachers increase and will make them more commited to their work. The school will keep having fresh ideas through it's new international contacts.
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