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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ANALYZING OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION OF DISABLED LEARNERS AT BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS ON EU STANDARTS The Project includes the teachers and directors who plan, practice and control of inclusive education of disabled learners. In today’s educational understanding, there are individual differences and necessities of people, who are disabled or not, in the focus of education. Performing of previous education in accordance with the neoteric and scientific methods, being reached all the people who need and increasing the quality of education,which is given, carry a big importance. Determining the students truly in the environment of the classroom, sending them to the Guidance and Research Center by collaborating with their families and evaluating and diagnosing of them at GRC is necessary. Inclusive education of disabled students is implemented by preparing Individualized Training Programs and Individualized Teaching Programs by considering the aims of basic education programs and the need and the lack of the students. However the students, who take inclusive education, have big difficulties in education period as they couldn’t turn the short and long aims, which are indicated in Individualized Training Programs and Individualized Teaching Programs, into permanent and influential behaviors; they can’t live socializing fact that must be in the nature of inclusive education; they start life with a personality structure which doesn’t improve their self-esteem and self-confidence enough; most of them have been attending to anupper education system in an sufficient way. This situation causes that the disabled students have difficulties on adapting to the upper education and experience social and economical problems. According to the Research of Disabled People in Turkey, it has been seen that 78 % disabled people don’t come into the working force. Although this rate has increased in recent years, it has seen that private education aren’t satisfactory, that necessary precautions aren’t taken and that it is stayed behind the Europe. In the research of The Evaluation Committee of Private Education Service, it has been identified that the trainers don’t have enough technical information and experiences on preparing and practicing of Individualized Training Programs; that they can’t organize the educational, social and physical environment; that most of trainers has seen these students as a load given them additionally. The participants needs to improve themselves to be ableto prepare and practice the Individualized Training Programs in parallel with technological developments, to improve their information and skills on private education, andto organize their educational environment and to support the adapting to the life and upper education of the disabled people In this project, it has been aimed that participants will be improve their skills, will have some information and experiences by learning different and good works, will join new techniques and applications, and observe the education given to the disabled students on basic education schools in Europe to fill the needs that indicated. It has been aimed that the quality of private education which is practiced in our schools will be raised to the EU standards by transferring good and new works to our country; disabled people will be supported as a good person, who can use their potential and have enough level to be able to attend to an upper education, by training according to their inabilities. Participants will concentrate on the topics of “Educational Evaluation and Diagnosing”, “Developing and Practicing of Individualized Training Programs”, “Security Cautions”, “Ergonomy of Classroom”, “Teaching Methods and Techniques”, “Supportive Education Services”, “ In Service-Training of Trainers”, “Adapting of Disabled Students to the School Environment” with the project. Participants will lead to the works by practicing and sharing their technical information and experiences, which they got in Europe, on their occupational works in their schools. They will share these experiences with their colleagues in 5 schools in our educational region and try to be practiced them in these schools, too. It will be issued that the students, who take inclusive education, will take part in social life as ample, productive and honorablepeople,and that they will be happy and reconciled with themselves by getting out of the sense of being of no avail. And also participants will get a chance to see the socio-cultural structure of Europe and will improve their foreign language. The project will be one course and will take 1 year. It will made in the schools in Spain between 01/09/2015 and 14/09/2015.
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