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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

* DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND OF OUR PROJECT: When education of children with special educational needs (children with SEN) comes to the agenda, the first thing that should be considered is the education of these children’s families and their communications with their children. Because a child's education begins in the family from the moment it opened its eyes to the world and continues at school. It is seen in various studies that parents take an active part in their handicapped children’s linguistic and academic development, their improvement in social and occupational skills and they contribute to their children’s development. For this reason, in education and rehabilitation of children with SEN, primarily family should be handled as a system. Thus, close relationship with the parents should be established, the precautions that are taken at school should be carried on at home and cooperation with the parents is needed. Because the education given at school can be corrupted at home, especially when parents don’t know the needed precautions for handicapped children’s education. For this reason, education of the parents should be handled as an inseparable part of children’s education. The most important need of the Consortium in the case of quality improvement and internationalizations are; BIT based innovative methodologies in "Family Education" including the Open Education Resources, by improving and renovating the quality and content of education to prompt development of stuff, who work in Family Education area and increase their abilities in new teaching methods and materials at European standards on-site. The biggest difficulty in our education is; the level of education of our families is not enough for achieving the desirable development in our children with SEN. In all institutions of the consortium, besides family seminars and group works, getting information about practical different techniques to improve employees’ basic and cross skills, digital skills, multilingualism and adapt their proficiency to our institutions is needed. * OBJECTIVES OF OUR PROJECT: Our primary aim is; getting information about different nations’ “Family Education” systems, practicing different learning-teaching methods in our institutions, benefiting from different education systems’ practical methods and techniques in order to achieve development in children’s positive behaviors. Increasing the awareness of volunteer employee’s, who takes part in ongoing studies in our institutions, in the "Family Education" field about BIT based innovative and student based pedagogic approaches to train themselves and gain qualification. Employees will have a chance to improve their language competence at the inchoative stages for the trainings in Europe. Additionally, by these trainings supplying institutional needs and employee’s individual needs of institutions which have internationalization aim and conveying them to families by courses is targeted. * NUMBER AND PROFILE OF THE PARTICIPANTS: Including 2 people from Each Consortium Member Institution, the total number of the participants will be 6. These participants are the staff who give family education and are working in the Strategic and Development Plan in their institutions. The same 6 people will attend different thematic courses in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Portugal. After these courses, they will share what they have learnt with the other staff of their organizations and in the region. * DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ACTIVITIES: The target of our Project is to make our participants take courses in the field of "Family Education" in Europe's most advanced countries. - Netherlands (November 2015) Course: The methods and techniques to solve the problems of the families of children with special needs. - United Kingdom (February 2016) Course: "ICT-based education programs for families of children with special needs. - Portugal (May 2016) Course: Informative and psychotherapeutic approaches in education and counseling services for families of children with special needs. * THE METHODOLOGY WHICH WILL BE USED WHILE CARRYING OUT OF OUR PROJECT: European Quality Charter of Principles and Criteria will be applied; - Information and Guidance, - Learning Plan, - Personalization, - General Preparation, - Linguistic Preparation, - Logistics Support, - Consulting, - Certification, - Reintegration and Evaluation, - Commitments and Responsibilities. ESTIMATED RESULTS AND IMPACTS OF OUR PROJECT: In the end of the Project, the participants will transfer the whole experience and knowledge they have gained to their institutions. They will also will contribute to their institutions to reach European standards in adult education. With these activities, each of the Consortium Members and staff will gain competencies in ICT-based methodologies, new teaching methods and tools in the European dimension in the field of "Family Education".

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