Under Socrates Leonardo and Grundtvig several projects were developed to favour education andtraining of persons with disability in a direct or indirect way (by providing new services, qualifyingeducators…): the efficacy of these actions is often limited in time and space, cause their effects are inplace just for the duration of the project (lack in sustainability) and limited to the consortium partnercontexts (lack in dissemination and exploitation). A fact is that after each project end, the availability ofits results is rapidly ceasing (some information repositories, like web sites, are not more sustained) and(apart of summaries) most of information are lost. This situation limits the efficacy of the work donejust to the partnership entities, “forcing” all the other stakeholders in Europe “to reinvent the wheel”each time for a new proposal or just for introducing a change in regional or sectorial contexts.The project proposes a thematic action in the field of LLL initiatives toward persons with disabilities. Itprovides a valorisation of the results achieved in the framework of EU LLL programmes (Leonardo daVinci, Socrates) by means of a strategy aimed to contact most important stakeholders involved in theintegration processes at regional/national and European level. This strategy consists in promoting theresults about the specific issue organising a kind of “logical framework” to help researchers as well asdecision makers to analyse and compare solutions, experiences, methods and proposals. Basically thiswork will be accessible via a devoted portal, conceived as a support service linked to the Commissiondatabases: the aim is to gather well documented results (original documents, final reports..) in order tolet them explored and exploited by the stakeholders.The stakeholders (main target group of this project) are intended in a largest meaning of this term: causethe innovation presented by each project would influence in a wide sense the social relationships aroundthe person with disability, his/her expectations, the quality of the services and all the type of “barriers”each person is facing to participate to the society.The workshops proposed in the project are directed to a vertical and horizontal mainstreaming: in orderto boost innovation adoption/adaptation and transfer at level of associations, third sector, technicaloperators (educators, trainers..) working in field as well as at level of decision makers about services,rules and policies. This process is provided as peculiar of each regional/national contexts as the frame ofpolicies and rules w.r.t disability (as well as opportunities, provisions and cultural attitudes) are verydifferent in the EU countries.At EU level a “centralised” action is provided in order to involve EU associations, institutions andservices in the exploitation of results, thought as a permanent habit and place for critical discussionabout. At the end of the project, the elaboration of a set of indicators is expected as the product of a“capacity building” process of all partners around the evaluation of the valorisation strategies.
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Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS, AND EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICE (KEY ACTIVITY 4)\Multilateral projects