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Enerji Verimliliği ve Tasarrufu Konusunda Almanya Standartlarına Erişmek için Öğrenci ve Öğretmen Hareketliliği
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During the education process, a sensitive balance should be placed among professional competencies; industrial needs and opportunities; occupational ethics and liability; and personal development. Unfortunetly, there are various obstacles on this sensitive balance because of the educational system or the qualititative and quantitative characteristics of the schools or the disadvantage socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions . We designed this project in order to create a chance especially for our students but also our staff to be able to avoid these obstacles to some extent. This project will enable skilled labor to be emerged on the one hand and contribute to the society by providing information to be produced and shared. The project includes both students and teachers to be trained. These trainings will be formed around the theme of energy savings and efficiency. The information technologies, industrial otomation technologies and electric-electronic systems are intensely used in enabling energy savings and eficiencies. For this reason, the students studying on these fields are chosen as the partcipant groups of the projects. Because Germany is the most energy efficient country and one of the industrial lieaders in the world, all training activities are going to be carried on in the organizations founded in Germany, all of which are interested in saving energy . The trainings will be held chronogically on the dates between 27.02.2016-13.03.2016; 19.03.2016-03.04.2016; 09.04.2016- 24.04.2016. In each flow there will be 16 pupils from 12.grades and two companion. Training activities will provide work experience to our students. By this way students will gain the competencies demanded by business world on the one hand. On the other hand they will develop an awareness of occupational liabilites related to subject that is important for cultural and economic development. At this point, the project will contribute to the emergence of qualified work force. Another positive effect of project will be on the students' level of foreign language skills.Within the project also our staff are going to be attending training activites by which the energy efficency and saving techniques can be find out within the scope of EU's implementations and arrangements. Therefore, our staff can develop a perspective on how to adapt these subjects to the process of education and,in respect to this, on what kind of qualifications should be gained to our students. The participant group of teachers will be 10 person. The flow will be on 06.02.2016 – 21.02.2016. The project also enable the social and cultural experiences that will provide getting to know different cultures and life styles. With these training activites, the coopration will be made to disseminate understanding of lifelong learning. In turn, this can strengthen the cultural basis on which Tukey and EU take a step towards eachother. Achieving a success in this project also depends on a successful project management as well as the training activities itselves. Therefore, within the school body four different units are going to be established. These are going to be planing, management, implementation and evaluation teams. These teams are going to take an active role in the processes of before, during and after the mobilites. The basic travelling organizations and preparation of the students will be carried on before the mobilities. The training programmes will be followed during flows. The competencies of students will be evaluated and the outputs of the project will be revealed along with the dissemination of the project after the mobilities.

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