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EnergyGames - Energy takes shape (HUSKROUA/1001/102)
Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Aug 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Overall objective: The proposed project aims to stimulate active participation of students and teachers in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Main activities: Activity 1 - Project organization and coordination of the activities. Activity 2 – Registration of the educational institutions to the EnergyGames – Energy takes shape competition. Activity 3 – Training seminars for the teachers of the educational institutions registered to the EnergyGames – Energy takes shape competition. Activity 4 – Development of educational brochures. Activity 5 – Educational activities in theory and practice in the registered educational institutions. Activity 6 –Permanent monitoring of energy consumption in the educational institutions involved in the project. Activity 7 - Contest EnergyGames - Energy takes shape. Activity 8 – Award event. Activity 9 – Ecological /Energy camp. Activity 10 – Publicity/visibility of the project Achievements: 1 project implementation plan, 4 project meetings, control and monitoring reports. 48 teachers trained in energy saving and renewable energy, which can transmit information to other colleagues and students outside of those directly involved in the project. 320 students directly involved in the training activities. 320 students indirectly involved in the training activities. 1000 brochures with two important topics: energy saving and renewable energy sources, available in electronically format to all interested unlimited. 39 educational kits that will remain in the ownership of the participating schools and could be used to train other students from the educational institutions. 16 metering devices that display energy consumption, connected to the school computer network, that will be used for continuous real time monitoring of the energy consumption by displaying the consumption and cost on school computers, etc.
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  • 90%   98 416,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants