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Energy without borders
Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Energy without borders" is a trilateral youth exchange which will be carried out in Zwoleń, the Masovian Province, by the informal group of youth "EcoAktive" supported by OHP in partnership with youth groups from Zagrzeb in Croatia and Stropkov in Slovakia. The project wil last from 1st April till 15 september 2015 with the main Action from June 29th till July 9th 2015. For 11 days 30 young people from European Union countries (Poland, Slovakia and Croatia) will explore the ins and outs of energy sources, ecology and sustainable development. The main objective of the project is to build dialogue and support integration among the groups of youth of fewer opportunities, originating from these countries. Subject about energy sources and linked to it theme of ecology are major fields of project activities and theme of the occasion which will address key issues so important to the development of youth as healthy lifestyle, respect and acceptance of diversity or intercultural integration. Participants will learn many new things, gain direct social experience and will try multilingual communication with young people from other countries as well as gain insight into the value of non-formal and informal, experiential learning. Through planned activities we expect the youth will open to one another, overcome shyness and language barriers. Planned activities based on joint ecological, multicultural and language workshops will deliver space in which young Europeans will have possibility of expressing themselves and getting to know the peer group from the partners’ countries. Youngsters plan to document their actions on a blog which will be set up during the project and in a presentation (or film) which will be shown to their peers and teachers at the ceremonial beginning of the school year 2015-2016 in September 2015.

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