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Energy Security in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The core activity of the proposed Jean Monnet Module is the course dedicated to: "Energy Security in Europe" at the Opole University in Poland. The topic of the course is highly relevant in the present phase of the European integration process and corelates perfectly with the module coordinator's field of specialisation. There are several accompanying activities foreseen, to be delivered together with the course. Apart from didactic operations, there is a conference planned, which will be followed by a publication. Web-page which will be created for the purpouses of the module will have a dissemination effect but will also be a communication tool between and among the stakeholders of the project. All of these actions are compatible and generate a synergy effect with a strong educational impact. Offfering such a module (with the proposed structure and dedicated to such a vital problematic) answers the need of academic demand in this area which is the result of the growing urgency of energy relations (and their dynamic and complicated character) in Europe.It is also a natural continuation of a build-up process that was started five years ago with the first Jean Monnet module on "Climate and Energy Challenges in Integrating Europe" at the Institute of Political Science.
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