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Energy consumption and CO2 and NOx emissions Minimised in an Intermittent Ceramic Kiln (LIFE ECONOMICK)
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Ceramics manufacturing is one of the most energy-intensive industries. The sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, producing an estimated 1.84 million tonnes of CO2 globally, including 400 000 tonnes of CO2 in the EU. The LIFE ECONOMICK project fully contributes to the European Union’s climate and energy targets related to reducing emissions from energy-intensive industries. Furthermore, it has been designed to respond to Commission decision 2014/746/EU, which identifies the ceramics sector as at risk of significant carbon leakage. The project pioneers a technology that will reduce greenhouse gas intensity in the ceramic industry. Objectives The LIFE ECONOMICK project aims to demonstrate an intermittent kiln for production of ceramic table ware and sanitary ware based on computerised management of air and gas flow, the complete reuse of warm air from cooling and the use of advanced materials for thermal insulation. The new technology is designed to significantly reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen fluoride, sulphur oxides and particulate matter, as well as cutting consumption of energy and raw materials. Specific objectives are: To consume 1 300-1 400 kcal/kg of firing product (45% less energy than intermittent kilns currently in commercial use); To calculate the environmental, economic and social impact of the new technology; and To develop a business plan for the commercialisation of the technology. The project has the potential to strongly contribute to the specific objectives of the priority area of climate mitigation, to EU policy priorities and to the upgrade of Best Available Techniques Reference (BREF) documents for the ceramic industry. Expected results: The project expects to achieve the following results: 45% lower energy consumption than state-of-the-art intermittent kilns; 45% lower CO2 emissions with respect to state-of-the-art (38 tonnes of CO2 saved); 50-55% lower nitrogen oxide emissions with respect to current practices; Natural gas savings of 34 449 Nm3; Production of market-quality tableware (30 000 pieces) and sanitary ware (4 220 pieces); Production of one life-cycle impact assessment, one life-cycle cost assessment and one social life-cycle assessment; and Development of a sound business plan at the project’s completion, with the expectation of having sold at least two customised kilns within 12 months of the close of the project and 47 kilns within five years. This commercial development will prove the replicability of the technology.

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