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Encuentro de jóvenes para fomentar la cultura y la memoria histórica 2015
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The meeting youth project to promote culture and historical memory 2015 took place during Holy Week 2015 (March 30 to April 6) in Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina) as youth exchange. This closes the project already started in September 2014 with a meeting between young people in Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona, Spain). The organizations involved as participants are Grup Eirene (GE) of Spain and Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) in Bosnia Herzegovina. Grup Eirene is described as a pacifist, educational and supportive association that aims to promote the culture of peace, human development and human rights among children / as, youth and adults. To achieve this goal makes diversity of activities and projects of education for peace and development in both formal and non-formal educational spaces. Activities are always approached from a creative and innovative approach to increase its impact among the target audience. Youth Initiative for Human Rights carries out activities and programs to promote and protect human and civilian rights locally and globally. It was established by young people from Bosnia Herzegovina with the objectives to include youth in the democratization processos strengthen the law by addressing the past and establish new and developing contacts in the post-conflict region of former Yugoslavia. Collaboration between the two entities and the city of Santa Coloma de Gramenet the project included as fundamental the following topics: cultural exchange, the peaceful resolution of conflicts and historical memory, with the cross-gender variable. The main objective of this project was to discuss the building of trust between young people from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds; laying the groundwork toward sustainable network of international activists. Specific objectives include knowledge about historical memory, international respect for history, culture and society between citizens of different countries, the culture of peace and training of young people in the realization of an exchange project. Exchange participants are the same as were present in the first phase of the project but two participants in each group by incompatibility issues with studies and personal have been unable to attend this second part of the exchange. Therefore, we proceeded to make a new selection of participants for each participating entity to complete the required number of young people, a total of 9 participants from each country with the corresponding group coordinators. All young people aged between 16 and 19 years old, are students and have shown great interest in learning about new cultures and develop their skills as potential activists for peace. The activities carried out were a previous training (during the months of February and March) the trip to Sarajevo where the history and the Balkan conflict is worked, the place where he would travel through different cultural themes are contextualized and He proceeded to restore the link with the group YIHR through videoconferencing. On guided city tours, visits to exhibitions on Srebrenica and the museum of city history, workshops on stereotypes and prejudices, brief historical talk about the war in the Balkans, master classes during the week of exchange activities were held such as the situation of the city of Sarajevo during the war and today and participation in official events of the day in the city. The results that have been achieved with this project are different. To the participants can tell from experience through travel and contact with other cultures, since none of them had traveled outside Spain, to the development of their own ability to act in their own environment. For example, a few months after his return held a photo exhibition at a library in the municipality of Santa Coloma de Gramenet where they were able to publicize their experience. This exhibition is scheduled to be exposed in the various institutes of the municipality so that young people know the possibilities of participation in the exchange processes. We also noted that thanks to the good performance of this first exchange and the good results, the two organizations continue to work and perform a next exchange so that many more young people can benefit from the experience it provides.

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