Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Instituto Cuatrovientos Strategic Plan 2012-2015, has two Strategic Objectives reflected in Strategic Line 3: The internationalization for the development of transnational mobility programmes” and “ systemize the services management of information and labour guidance”. To develop these OBJECTIVES, the school set up the Internationalization and Labour Guidance Projects. As a Vocational Training institution, Instituto Cuatrovientos is committed to carry out the Mobility Projects we are applying for. In fact, as our mission reflects, our final goal is to train people in the labour market requirements. In this context, this Mobility Project for Education and Training offers an added value for the education of Medium Degree students and graduates and also for our organization staff introducing a European dimension. This project aims to develop and update the personal, professional, and linguistic skills of the participants. The internships and training periods in an English speaking country will enable participants with resourceful skills to have better opportunities in order to get a job. This need has been identified by Artean, the Employment Guidance Department, through our different partners support. In order to achieve this goal the participants will carry out the following ACTIONS using the adequate METHODOLOGY: • Language, pedagogical and culture training through workshops and the Erasmus Training moodle platform. • DAPO workshop for the development of professional and personal skills for the labour market. • Training for the improvement of professional language skills according to the CEFR. • Job-shadowing in a vocational education institution for teachers in order to enhance their professional skills. • 3 or 8 week internship in the UK for students, in order to improve their professional, language and personal competences. • The inclusion of those participants into the Employment Bureau of Artean Cuatrovientos after their return. This project will consist of 15 PARTICIPANTS: 10 Administrative Management and Sales students, a leader and two English teachers coordinating European Projects. Regarding expected RESULTS, they affect both the institution and participants. In both cases the centre has its own measuring indicators to evaluate the benefits obtained. For Cuatrovientos, these benefits are the dissemination of the project to society as an impulse for further participation in mobility projects, the integration of the graduates into the employability service and to nearby companies committed with internationalization. For the participants, the improvement of professional competences in the Diploma Supplement framework, reinforcement of key competences (team work, adapting to professional environment, conflicts resolution…), improvement of language skills, cultures integration and solidarity and volunteering promotion (Internships in Oxfam). Related certificates will be issued (Europass Certificate, Cambridge Certificate, Cuatrovientos Diploma…). The project will be disseminated through our webpage (, a blog (, press releases, social networks, (, Employment portal, fairs and exhibitions information, a doors open day and a certificate awarding event for participants. The long term BENEFITS with be the employability of the future professionals, the acquisition of competences for the staff and the transnationality.

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