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Encouraging farmers and foresters in the Danube region to produce non-food bioenergy or bioenergy carriers alongside food, feed and other biobased products
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Jun 29, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the proposed action is to foster the development of the bioenergy sector in the Danube Region, and of the Bioeconomy at large, through the strengthening of local supply chains that will be supported through specific analytics (economics, sustainability and land use models), and targeted capacity building to foster the generation of innovative solutions in a participatory, cross-sector perspective. Objective(s) of the project The main objectives of the proposed project are to: • facilitate the transfer of well documented, up-to-date land use, environmental and socio-economic model-based knowledge for non-food bioenergy options to farmers and foresters in Danube riparian countries; and • create impact through structured and consistent communication with actors at the level of project implementation. Planned project activities including deadlines or duration The activities will concretize in 2 overarching work packages (management and communication), and 3 technical work packages that will be implemented in parallel throughout the duration of the project (36 months): • Bottom-up collection of quantitative data & Modelling • Peer-to-peer (meta) qualitative analysis & Capacity enhancing • Strengthening stakeholders’ competence and resilience through local innovation hubs and horizontal networking. Need and added value for Danube Region Strategy The proposed action will focus on Danube riparian countries as major European feedstock pivots. Stakeholders along the non-food-biomass-to-energy value chains will benefit from extensive networking and capacity enhancing, but also from specific modelling tools that will streamline business planning. The proposed action will contribute to meeting the objectives of EUSDR Action Plan for “Sustainable Energy”, particularly Action 8 and Action 11. Transboundary impact The proposed Bioenergy Innovation Hubs will be aggregated according to a typological principle, rather than geographically, thus paving the way for cross-border cooperation. The Bioenergy Innovation Hubs will also actively seek collaboration of Universities and Research Institutions from the region in order to strengthen and cluster capacities in the field of Bioenergy. Relevant PA2 Action(s) from the Danube Region Strategy’s Action Plan Action 8 - To extend the use of biomass; Action 11 - To explore the possibility to have increased energy production originating from local renewable energy sources to increase the energy autonomy; Action 16 – To facilitate networking and cooperation between national authorities in order to promote awareness and increase the use of renewable energies.

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