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Encourager la participation des jeunes à la vie démocratique par l'échange d'expériences et de compétences, et la réflexion en matière de pratiques citoyennes.
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "MJC des 3 Maisons", who is amongst other, leading a project based on artistic creativity (circus and music) towards young people in Nancy-France, and the "Postcard Cultural Association" who is leading a similar project with theatre and who is managing a youth theatre yearly festival, are willing to work together around the topic of "citizenship, human rights, and how the young people are engaged with" in our respective democratic systems.The project, would take the form of a cultural exchange from the 18th to the 27th of July 2016 in Kleszczele - Eastern Poland, and will get 24 young people working together (12 polish and 12 french) aged from 15 to 18 ans with 5 facilitators (3 french and 2 polish) helped in that by local volunteers.Starting from the analysis that a part of the youth are disengaged from the traditionnal political systems, and from the on-the-ground observation that they doesn't look like to be finding landmarks matching with them, or they are not recognizing the tools and official packages they are proposed to work with to exercise their ideas, or to express their opinions; we are willing with this encounter project, to help them to understand the functioning and the high stakes of the democratic pratices in place in both of our countries. To achieve so, we will organise some sharing experience and reflection times on the democratic institutions of both of our countries.In order to favorise sharings and the encounter between the young people, we are willing to base this project on our practices and competencies within the artistic creation field, by organising and arranging collective workshops which will be concluded by a joint creation which will be presented at the end of this project.We will be starting, before the main event in July, by seting up an internet blog, and by a first time of reflection on our thematic, with the view of bringing them with a first awareness, and to fully include them with the preparation of this sharing experience.An association of France-Poland friendship from Nancy will be associated with this approach.The restitution of this project will be realised with the young people under the umbrella of an exhibition (one in France and one in Poland). In France, it will be presented at the MJC des 3 Maisons and will be proposed to the MJC regional network for those who would like to use this project as a starting point to build a similar project. It will also be proposed to be included in the Education Populaire periodical made by the MJC regional federation. In Poland, it will be presented at the Postcard Cultural Association head office and will be proposed to the locals, the artistic network and the official representative authorities.We are willing throughout this project, to be giving young people the desire to participate to the european civic rights construction by the way of cultural openness based on their passions around cultural practices.
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