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Encouragement of CULTtural collaboration by the establishment of partnership NETworks between the citizens of Strumyani and Philippi municipalities (CULTNET)
Start date: Mar 29, 2011, End date: Mar 28, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Encouragement of CULTtural collaboration by the establishment of partnership NETworks between the citizens of Strumyani and Kavala municipalities (CULTNET) is partner project of Municipality of Strumyani, Bulgaria and Municipality of Kavala, Greece. The overall project objective is to enhance attractiveness and competitiveness of common Bulgarian – Greek border region through promotion of cultural and ethnographic heritage. The implementation of the overall objective of the project will lead to the improvement of quality of life of the local communities through joint cooperation and awareness actions, aiming to preserve local foklore and achieve cohesive cultural development of the cross-border. The project envisages establishment of the cultural centre in Municipalities of Strumyani, including reconstruction activities and supply of equipment for the community hall in the village of Mikrevo. In addition a research of local ethnographic and cultural traditions, will be carried out and will be reflected in joint cultural traditions and events calendar to be developed. Expected Results: - Established cross-border partnership and long term cooperation in terms of cultural exchange and promotion of folkloric and ethnographic heritage and patrimonies of the cross-border region - Created necessary preconditions for events of cross-border nature in the field of culture as factor for sustainable development of the society in the border region - Strengthened cross-border relations between population, institutions and NGOs in parter rehions through the means of cultural exchange - Establishment of traditions and long-term cooperation in the area of cultural and ethnographic heritage of the two districts - Promotion of culture and ethnographic heritage of the cross-border region.
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  • 85%   717 776,71
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Bulgaria (EL-BG)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants