Search for European Projects

En route vers l'Europe volume 2
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of our school is quite ambitious, but nevertheless legitimate. Giving European oportunities to vocational school pupils is a priority. Thus, we have to develop partnerships with foreign schools and companies, that will then be the way to open up these opportunities to our students and their families, but also our French partners (companies, representatives, the Army …).Three members of our staff have been chosen to take part in this mobility project, thanks to their skills and complementary knowledge : • a logistics teacher, DNL teacher (Non Linguistic Subject, which means teaching his subject in a language different from the national language), and specialised in the same professional subject (logistics) whe share with our German partner. He will have to look for German companies in order to organise future student mobilities for international internships.• A history / geoagraphy teacher, who is also a DNL teacher, most involved in common inter-subject projects designed in collaboration with the German teachers• eventually an English teacher, chosen for her language and also cross-cultural skills, and who will be a valuable asset to analyse the educational methods of our German partner.These three people are the driving force behind the European section of our school.A European coordinator will take care of the different projects and will follow the numerous activities to be done during this mobility.This project will be regularly checked by the management team (thanks to regular written reports), and will also come with eTwinning projects in order to start different exchanges amont students.The already existing European dynamics will be strenghtened thanks to these mobilities. This will really justify our 'Lycée des Métiers' label (French label certifying of a specific professional field ; in our school : Logistics and Transport), and, in the long run, to allow regular 'physical' exchanges of students with our German partner, thus comforting our English European section.This will also have a real impact on the public image of our school : the different actors involved in our development must now see us as a vocational school opened up to Europe, training young upstanding professionals, having strong humanist values and developed linguistic and cross-cultural skills.
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