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En route vers l'Europe Citoyenne
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The renewal of our mobility candidature is part of our school project and aims at lasting over the years. In order to answer our students’ aspirations and to remain coherent with our work placement opportunities regarding foreign companies, accommodations, cofinancing and supervising, we ask for 34 scholarships. Reminder : 2005-2007 : 23 mobilities 2007-2009 : 42 mobilities 2009-2011 : 60 mobilities 2011-2013 : 41 mobilities 2013-2015 : 42 mobilities (26 already done et 16 being prepared for a departure on 9th March 2015). Our decision to ask for fewer mobilities compared to the previous years comes from the evolution of the participants’ profiles. Indeed, their young age (they are between 15 and 17) and their constant need to be guided lead us to provide them with appropriate preparation, coaching and follow-ups. This phase of adjustment is due to our constant eagerness to better the quality of our mobilities while preserving the lifeblood of our school and partners. The pursuit of an enriching partnership with our colleagues in the United Kingdom, Italy and Lithuania, the consolidation of our partnership with the Czech republic and a possible opening towards Poland, could enable our students to develop professional and linguistic competences and could make them more open-minded, self-assured while turning them into true European citizens.

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3 Partners Participants