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En route pour l'Europe !
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility projects from the Lycée Jean Monnet fits into its European Development Plan which consists in : “opening the Lycée to the world", "developing the students' curiosity" and "reinforcing partnership". Two teachers took part in the mobility projects and their main objectives were to improve their linguistic skills, their teaching experience and also offer the Lycée's students wider horizons and open-mindedness, especially in the linguistic and cultural fields. With the help of the Lycée’s secondary partner SILC, one teacher did a training session in the United-Kingdom and the other one in Spain. Thanks to this period abroad, they were able to improve their linguistic skills but also discover new teaching techniques in their own fields . One teacher could obtain his DNL (Non Linguistic Disciplin) certification and the Lycée will benefit from these teachers’ new experiences to enrich or strengthen the training choices they offer their students (European Section, possibility for the students to get a distinction on their diploma due to this mobility for the Baccalauréat Professionnel) and also to develop European initiatives for them ( class activities, personnel projects in partnership with Europe ...). The first idea behind the project was that these mobility operations could create new ones in the future Erasmus+ programs, whether for teachers, students or apprentices. This wish is fully fulfilled because our school 2016 Erasmus+ project has been selected. We will be able to multiply our European actions inside the Lycée and it’s our major goal regarding the category of students we welcome and the local context.
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