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En route! Elysée - Kita Gänsblümchen auf den Spuren der frühkindlichen Bildung in Frankreich
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The French-German Kita Gänsebümchen, as part of the overall organization Mittelhof e.V. Berlin, is planning a one week study trip with their entire team to Lyon in October 2016. The focus will be placed on comparing the early childhood education systems in Germany and France. The team is composed of eight teachers with professional qualifications from Germany and France, a management with professional experience in France, a housekepper, and two volunteers, one of them from the program "Service civique“.The Kita exists since 2005 with a focus on early childhood and bilingual education. It also places an emphasis on Nature & Kita.The majority of children who visit the facility come from German-French families. Intercultural education is therefore an integral part of its everyday day pedagogical work. The obligatory framework program for the Berlin Kitas "Berliner Bildungsprogramm" places an emphasis on this aspect. The Kita Gänseblümchen is a member of the German-French network of the "Elysee Kitas 2020".During the first days of the study trip the program offers hospitations on the subject of autonomy and participation of children in facilities for children from 0 - 6 years, in early childhood: day-nursery and pre-schools in German-French tandems. In order to link practical experience with theoretical knowledge, lectures will be held on the subject of the training system (for nursery school teachers as well as elementary school teachers) and on family policy. Visits to facilities in the field of "early childhood" and an exploration of "child in town" supplement the planned activities.Furthermore new questions are being raised which are addressed, discussed and evaluated with the teachers on site. The study trip offers the opportunity to teachers from the Kita Gänseblümchen to get a professional insight into the everyday work in a French crèche or nursery school.This experience promotes a better understanding of the culture-specific living environments of parents and their children. Thus wishes and needs of parents and children can be perceived in a more differentiated way. Stereotype notions, prejudices and clichés will likely be considered as relative or even proven wrong by own experiences.The change of perspective, which will be effected by the self-experience in the other country, raises the empathy of teachers and enriches their professional competence.These experiences will form a helpful basis for future constructive cooperation in the entire team. The German colleagues will learn and experience how institutions in France are organized and how their colleagues in France manage and master their everyday work. This helps to explain and also prevent intercultural misunderstandings.Furthermore the study visit will have a team-building function: The German colleagues are now able to perceive their French-speaking colleagues from another perspective, not as guests in a German Kita, but as hosts in their own country.

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