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Empowering the Students through Building their Competencies: Creating the Context for Self-Guided Learning in the Field of Agri-Busines
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The necessity of this project came as a result of the development of european development plan and is thus a natural sequel to the implementation in its application. Various studies show that students not only grow up during their stay in another country but also obtaine powers often summarised as soft-skills or key skills such as intercultural awareness, adaptability, flexibility, innovation, productivity, strength, motivation, problem solving, ability to work productively in a team. All these skills are directly related to the employability. General Objective:• Empowering students through development of professional skills; creating the environment leading to self-guided learningSpecific objectives:• Development of professional competencies for students from the veterinary, food industry and agri-tourism qualifications through carrying out internships in European context • Development of soft skills of participants students in mobility for the increase of emplyabilityTransversal competences development, so important in creating a student who is responsible for his own learning, able to establish learning goals alone, to plan the learning process, learn, show what he has learned and last but not least, to reflect on the process. Practice internship in a European company creates environment for exactly this type of learning, the most relevant of all.As a result of the analysis carried out there are 5 Fluxes-VET Learners. Stream 1-8 students, grade XIIth-QUALIFICATION: TECHNICIAN in FOOD ANALYSIS, Host Partner: Azienda Agricola Francesco Corigliano, intermediary organization: Giovanni Per l ' EuropeStream 2-12 pupils, grade XIIath, qualification: VETERINARY TECHNICIAN-Host partner: ASP Regio Calabria, intermediary organization: Giovanni Per l ' EuropeStream 3-10 students, grade XIth, qualification: Veterinary TECHNICIAN Host partner: ASP Regio Calabria, intermediary organization: Giovanni Per l ' EuropeStream 4-16 students, grade Xth, qualification: VETERINARY TECHNICIAN, Host partner: Nova Clinic Sofia, Bulgaria: Intermediary Organisation:ETN GatewayFlow 5-10 students, grade, XIth, qualification, Technician in Agritourism. " Host Partner: Gerencias de Restauración s.l. (Restaurante Carpe Diem), the intermediary organization: Esmovia Sistema Practices.Project methodologyW1. Cross-project management activity that implements rigorous synergistic effect and lead to the fulfilment of the objectives of the projectW2. A detailed dissemination and impact plan are delivered in the sections devoted W3. Participants ' selectionW4. Mobilities A1 mobilities VET Learners-5 fluxes (two weeks each)Stages:1. Establishment of training agreement together with foreign partners-based on the WWE draft prepared in the phase of submission project Drafting learning agreement for every skill level and flow2. Signing contracts with mobility participants (students, VET staff)3. preparation of mobility: travel, health insurance, accommodation booking, etc.4. Preparing participants before departure in mobility5. student mobility6. monitoring of mobility (from qualitative point of view) together with foreign partners7. Evaluation of mobility (individual and group participants)We consider that the methodology and methods selected are suitable for implementation of the project activities since they have proven effective in other implemented projects.The key element of the methodology, teamwork, promotes accountability and involvement. Many of the aspects of project implementation will be addressed both by the applicant and partners.In this sense, the partners will sign Letters of Intent with the applicant. Expected resultsThe level of Internationalization: sources: number of European partners in the project, partnerships forthcoming with them.Number of students participants in selection: 75 Number of students participants in mobility 56 Europass mobility Document: 56Satisfaction of participants 90%-Number of participants in the dissemination activities Initial dissemination events 3 Intermediate dissemination events 5 Final dissemination event 1 Use of allocated funds 100% Number of students with soft skills improved 56 Number of participants with professional competences acquired and recognised 56 Long-term impactThe transfer of skills, attitudes and competencies acquired by 56 participants in mobility at the future place of work or for further studyPartnerships with institutions and companies in Italy, Spain and Bulgaria in view of modernization and opening of internationalization of the applicant
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7 Partners Participants