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Empowering Health Learning for Elderly

Improving population health and well-being - especially at the senior citizens level - isamong the EU priorities. This part of the population is more and more addressed byinformation on healthy lifestyles and healthy consumer related issues. Advertising andmarketing have a strong influence on people’s health-related choices and behaviours.The project focuses on health and consumer education by providing health basic skillson: understanding how messages on healthy lifestyles are perceived in different groupsof society and how to address the most vulnerable and the less educated;understanding information given on food through labelling, advertising, marketing andother channels. The project targets professionals and volunteers working with elderlypeople as well as members of elderly citizens' organisations.The core objective of the project is to develop a Training System (EHLE), which willundergo a pilot/testing phase during the project, aimed at providing adults working withold people with appropriate knowledge/tools in order to teach them how to understandhealth related information as well as healthy lifestyle messages. The project will outlinea training concept developed in 4 partner countries involved in the project. The trainingcourse will be structured in 4 modules addressing the following issues regarding healthylifestyles: food and nutrition (culturally based), pharmaceutical (consumer oriented),physical activity, daily habits (tobacco, alcohol). A training toolbox will be producedbased of the training concept, which will be distributed to all the people working directlywith elderly people in the partner countries. The training course and the training toolboxwill be tested during the project in Italy and France.

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3 Partners Participants