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EMPOWER! Europe Managing Projects and Work for Effective Results

EMPOWER! Partnership has worked to give a better reply to the big changes coming from the new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), because of the new EU Cohesion Policy Framework for 2014/2020. Therefore, the partnership has exchanged, discussed, shared ideas and analyzed the 2020 Europe Strategy national background of each Country involved (Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy). Partners have defined a common approach to adjust methodologies, competences and skills of their respective human resources working in EU project Applications design, in national and regional Applications, as well as to identify themes and ideas of interest focused on building and developing a future transnational network and cooperation and in the next 2014-2020 European framework.It has been possible thanks to exchange of lifelong learning practices and ideas and to development of a joined, global and in-depth Research and Analysis of national background within 2020 Europe Strategy in each country (Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy). Then,a Global Analysis has been made,by comparing and matching the common points for each Target of 2020 Europe Strategy. Finally, thematic areas which partners could work on towards future project Applications have been identified and different possible proposals have been seleted, showed, discussed and shared, to be developed in next 2014-2020 European Programmes, within 2020 Europe Strategy.In addition, a Common Document about European Planning Techniques has been worked out, as result of a common work in group and of the contribution concerning the experience of partners in European planning gathered over the years. Sections about Research and Analysis of 2020 Europe Strategy, the Logical Framework of European projects preparation, by analysing Phases implied in the European planning process, and closing with Conclusions extracted and guided to a future of transnational cooperation are dealt with. A Website and a Facebook page have been created too.
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3 Partners Participants