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EMPLOYABILITY ON STAGE. Employability skills development through drama and the arts in digital Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The idea of the project “EMPLOYABILITY ON STAGE” is to write and perform a play showing solutions to the main problems connected with employment brainstormed by students in school meetings and workshops. While preparing the show, the activities will stimulate to develop students’ employability skills through common work, preparing, translating and rehearsing the script, and at the same time overcoming jitters, shyness and improving their self-confidence. The project will also try to fulfill the objectives found in the program “Europe 2020” which aim is to reduce the unemployment and to improve the access to work among young European population. Students will develop skills needed in future employment such as creativity, flexibility, team work, management of time, planning and organizing, coping with stress, self-presentation and commercial awareness. They will become more aware of using English as an international communication tool. They will improve their ICT skills and develop their self-confidence and social skills. They will also work on their autonomy and independence. Teachers will improve their work by the use of integrative methodologies such as portfolio, problem-based learning, project-based learning, and shared teaching among foreign teachers. They will integrate more with teachers from both their schools and partner schools so that the project has a truly transversal and integrating approach in the curriculum. The target groups for the project are the students -not only the participants but also all the students in each school-, the teachers, the students’ families and local communities. The project is innovative for all the schools as it works on employability in a creative way, putting this topic on stage, establishes links and professional relationships between each school and external professionals, and promotes a creative association of the partner schools with local arts schools. The organization of the show is a final step to be achieved after each phase of work and cooperation, first working online from each school and later in the meetings. Each school will organize activities and classes in which students will prepare, conduct and analyze surveys, and prepare the solutions to the unemployment problems in a form of the script of the show. They will also participate in meetings and workshops organized by the teachers who will stimulate their work. Teachers and students will develop their language and ICT skills. There will be 2 teachers’- and 4 teachers and students’ meetings. Teachers’ meeting will be mainly for organizational aims but there will also be workshops and seminars organized for them. The total number of participants will be about 204 but the project will embrace almost all the students in all schools and all the teachers. In students’ meeting the main activity is the presentation of the show earlier prepared by all the countries. Every time one of the problems connected with employability will be analyzed and solved by presenting on stage some solutions earlier discussed by students in online activities. Each scene will be prepared by students in their schools with online collaboration among groups. Students are going to use drama, music, dance, scenery and with the use of English will present their performance. They will put together earlier prepared parts of the show into a final product to be presented to the audience. That is why, an important element of the meeting will be rehearsals of the performance. The fourth students’ meeting in Poland will be a summary of all the issues and solutions discussed in previous meetings. Parallelly, different workshops will be held on students’ self-development through different drama techniques. In some of them they will try to boast their self-confidence through the use of drama method in the workshops carried out by psychologists and school pedagogues. Apart from that, there will be other socializing activities both online and face to face. Besides this, 2 Spanish students will work on the project in a different way, living in Poland for 2 months and taking active part in the project from that country. At the same time, they will learn to deal with living abroad and getting to know another culture through staying with the hosting family and going to a foreign school. It is essential to evaluate in each school all the online and face to face activities to have constant improvement of the actions taken in the project. So, the coordination will stimulate and control the evaluation. All the activities: meetings, chats, preparing presentations, writing the scripts, rehearsing … will be monitored, photographed and reported by students and teachers online thanks to different platforms such as: Twinspace, Lino, Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp in order to stimulate the work and encourage students to be in constant touch with their peers.
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