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Employability and Workplace Skills for VET Students
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project, titled ”Employability and Workplace Skills for VET Students” will be carried out by 7 partners (3 VET High Schools - from Romania, Macedonia and Turkey), a 28 VET institutions association (Spain) and other 3 European Organizations (Belgium, Germany, UK) over a period of 24 months. The main aim of the project is to create valuable and innovative learning resources in order to increase the relevance of VET education to the level market and to challenge youth unemployment issue. Most of the graduates lack the transversal skills that may help them find and keep a job, and they don’t know where and how to search for a job. Although they have technical skills, they lack communication skills, customer care skills, team-working skills, they are not aware of the importance of a pro-active attitude and of the professional image in finding a job. Although for some of them, the local context would be favorable for starting a small business they do not have the necessary knowledge. The main objectives of the project are the following: 1. To equip with Employability, Entrepreneurship & Workplace Skills at least 100 students by the end of the project and at least 2000 over the next 5 years; 2. To develop and make available as OER new, innovative and adapted to the labor market needs new VET teaching and learning materials, by exploiting the potential of ICT; 3. To train at least 120 VET teachers/trainers to use the developed resources by the end of the project; 4. To facilitate contact between the available qualified workforce and employers; 5. To foster transnational cooperation between VET education providers and potential employers and align the skills of the students to the labour market requirements; 6. To increase the use of ECVET and EQUAVET among the VET institutions; 7. To increase the visibility of the VET qualified students/graduates on the labor market by equipping them with personal branding skills; 8. To increase access to information and quality training, especially for students from disadvantage groups/backgrounds; The partnership includes both top-performers (Germany, Belgium and UK) at graduates employment rates and countries with the lowest youth labour market integration and high drop-out rates among VET students (Spain, Turkey, Macedonia, Romania) and provides an equilibrate and wide geographical coverage. The project aims to produce 2 main intellectual outputs - EWS (Employability & Workplace Skills for VET Students) E-learning Course and a set of Employability&Workplace Skills for VET Students Teaching & Learning Kit which will be made available for free in all 7 languages of the partners for a large number of final beneficiaries. The dissemination and exploitation of results strategy is especially important for our project. It will be a multi-level approach, including both centralized and decentralized activities (carried out by each partner). Two multiplier events will be organized: the first one will be a Seminary taking place in Brussels and aiming to reach a wide range of persons with a high potential of multiplication, as members of different EU institutions. Due to its presence in Brussels IFH partner will be able to reach target audiences with a high multiplying capacity, such as: - Participants from the international community, particularly from European Institutions (up to 40 persons); -Permanent representations and Missions of the Countries involved in the project; - representations of regions and Municipalities in Brussels - umbrella organizations; - representatives of the educational and employability sector from programme Countries; The second multiplied event will take place in Romania and will have the format of an one-day train-the-trainer course. It will be addressed to VET specialists willing to make use of the learning resource. The impact is expected to be highly significant at all levels, but especially on the final beneficiaries (VET learners) and employers. The project is aiming to contribute to the general efforts of reducing youth unemployment rates, offering equal opportunities for students facing different types of obstacles and increasing the quality, relevance and attractiveness of VET education.
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6 Partners Participants