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Employability and Health Precaution for older long-term unemployed
Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

Scientific researches show that long-term unemployed people suffer on age-specific diseases, burden higher health risks, are afflicted with mental diseases, undergo their life situation as stressy, morbid and destroying, etc.This effects directly negatively their ability and motivation for life long learning and employability. On the one hand this concerns especially older people. On the other hand older people have many competences (e. g. like quality awareness, social competences, etc.) because of their professional and life experience. In November 2008 a conference on health precaution for older long-term unemployed has been organised in Germany. The discussion showed that there is a high need for information exchange among stakeholders, like training organisations, employment offices, social organisations, insurance companies, etc. in order to strengthen the efforts for health precaution and promote life long learning and employability. The demografic change in Europe forces the necessity to use the potential of older people. Health precaution for long-term unemployed is an important key to promote their employability and re-integration into the labour markets. Objective of the project is to present material, pedagogical and didactical methods, best-practise-models and own experiences how to implement health precaution in qualification or (re-)integration courses for long-term unemployed older people. The target group of the project are trainers and stakeholders who work with this group. The partners will undergo own researches and surveys (desk-research, interviews, focus-group meeting with experts) in order to find best-practice solutions. A main product of the project is a compendium of best-practise about how to increase health precaution among older long-term unemployed (with further differentiations, e. g. regarding gender, qualification level, level of disabilities, etc.) and how to integrate the topic into training activities.

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