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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES La Granja is one of the largest centers in the town, providing different levels of education to a very heterogeneous group of students in ages, education level and origin.The analysis of needs identified in my organization in terms of internationalization and quality development, are based on the diagnosis made by the Department of Employment Guidance and based on the study after two years' participation in a multilateral Comenius project: Option for Variety entrepreunership related to job search and entrepreneurship and study among vocational training students who wish to pursue their training in job centers in countries of the European Union within the Erasmus + project in which the school participates. The study our students state that they have no spirit or entrepreneurial culture, do not have attitudes and skills for active job search or do not have developed their skills to do even less if we refer to a language or a country they do not know fear not know how to behave in work situations, working in teams with people from different nationalitiesTherefore we detect the need to prepare our students at a younger age and correct for future employment in a relatively short time, in the European framework. It is therefore the students of secondary school to whom we want to direct our objectives, providing them with the necessary tools to go forging proper career path with the necessary autonomy and self-promoting in them concerns, skills and attitudes to develop their entrepreneurial spirit or self-employed.The need to provide different job search methods in line with other models in the European Union where the unemployment rate is lower, and familiarize them with the use of professional vocabulary in English.The activities of the faculty consist of structured English language courses, then we transfer to the classroom through workshops and seminars.The participating teachers is mainly the Department of Training and Employment Guidance with extensive experience in this field. We hope to get a great impact on our students improve their learning outcomes and skills in active job search or self-employed. The long-term benefits are to give to our school an European dimension because we are in a globalized world in with increasing mobility of people for reasons of work, in order that our students are competitive in the same.

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