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Empleabilidad joven: cooperación intersectorial y herramientas socioprofesionales
Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Jan 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth EMPLOYABILITY: intersectoral cooperation & tools for socio-professional capacity building is an international project of 10 months duration involving entities and organisations from different fields (social, business, educational and political) coming from Iberoamerican countries: Spain, Portugal, Honduras, Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Chile and El Salvador. The activities pursue the improvement of youth employability through the development of socio-professional tools that foster the employability of the Ibero-American youth. All Institutions will form a network for designing, programming and planning of an online e-learning platform that aims to add quality of the systems of support to youth, youth workers and young people with fewer opportunities, special attention to women.The project will be launched through an international seminar to be held in Santiago de Compostela and which will bring together representatives of the different countries. The profile of the participants will be cross-cutting in nature and respond to policymakers of employment and youth (political agents), representatives of the business agents (economic agents), responsible for youth organizations of social character (social partners) and experts in formal education (educational agents). The seminar, not only will promote the strategic cooperation in a global problem such as youth unemployment but also will study and share good practices that are carried out in Galicia and Spain for the employability of young people and other parts of Iberoamerica. The activity will be set the basis for the creation of project work tools. Including an integral study of the abilities and skills needed by employers to facilitate the job creation.The project includes a phase of development of teaching materials of non-formal character of socio-professional skills education. The implementation will be online and will be progressively through an e-learning platform . Through this training tool is intended to enhance the "soft skills" launching 6 training courseses for youth workers and youngsters:-Social and communication skils-Digital skills, netowrking and 2.0 tools-Leadership, decision making, team working-Enterpreneur skilss and enterpreneur spirit-Traing for trainersAll the materials will be based on a ITC experience-based course by using Open Education Resources to be shared globally. Validation and recognition of learning acquired will be a priority for the project, using the created cross-sectoral networks and disseminating the successful European Youthpass experience. The dissemination and exploitation of results will have an itinerant character and will be focused on the visibility of the program Erasmus +, the online platform of employment and training, as well as the active participation of youth in international projects.. An itinerant vehicle will disseminate the outcomes and products of the project.
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