Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Feb 28, 2015
Everyone has faced situations in which couldn’t understand or know how to restrain own emotions, how to comprehend other’semotional reactions. Its cause various misunderstandings, communication problems, unpleasant emotional experiences, whatbrings up ungrounded aggression, retiring into oneself, and incapacity to become a part of society. These are outstandingproblems for young people all over the world. Besides in each country and culture existing diverse of traditions, upbringing, waysand values of the culture exert influence on emotional expressions and how we react, respond to others emotions.Youth from Latvia, Turkey and Armenia prepared and carried up a youth exchange project "EMOTION EXPLOSION" with theaim - with non-formal education methods and different art forms and techniques to become acquainted with emotions (andfeelings) and their expressions in varied cultures, acquiring skills to recognize, identify, manage and accept own and othersemotions and emotion's expressions, to enhance mutual communication, raise tolerance and break stereotypes among youngpeople.In youth exchange in Latvia took part 28 active and interested in the project’s topic youngsters aged 16 to 29 years, int.al. youngpeople with fewer opportunities - social and geographical barriers, cultural differences.Variety of non-formal education methods and activities were used to reveal and find out diverse aspects of the project’s topic:role-plying games, association games, and creation of music, dances, movement activities, painting, collage making and otheractivities, which revealed diversity of emotions. Group building and weld together games and activities - energizers, ice-breakingetc. games, and cognitive activities - discussions, group work, presentations. Also cultures familiarization activities: interculturaland national evenings, presentations of creative homework prepared by participants, and evaluation activities - individual andgroup. Final stage of the project - were organized project idea’s and result promotion activities: during youth exchange - flashmob, sketches of emotions in schools, after exchange - exhibitions and its opening event, events in local communities "youth toyouth" in each partner country.Participants of the project gained new experiences, comprehension of emotions and emotion’s expressions in his/her owns andother’s cultures; evolved skills to accept differences. Within the framework of the project youth prepared posters and exhibitionto promote and hand over values and competences acquired in the youth exchange. Likewise participants of the project gainedpractical experience in field of project implementing, event and activities organizing and conducting. And for all acquiredcomprehensive skills and competences during the project carrying out they received Youthpass certificate. Partner organizationsof the project obtained new collaboration partners and experience in youth exchange projects. To raise society’s awareness wascreated Facebook fan page where was published information about project’s activities as well as interesting information aboutproject’s topicParticipants of the project will gain new experiences, comprehension of emotions and emotion’s expressions in his/her owns and other’s cultures; will evolve skills to accept differences. Within the framework of the project youth will prepare posters and exhibition to promote and hand over values and competences acquired in the youth exchange. Likewise participants of the project will gain practical experience in field of project implementing, event and activities organizing and conducting. And for all acquired comprehensive skills and competences during the project carrying out they will receive Youthpass certificate. Partner organizations of the project will obtain new collaboration partners and experience in youth exchange projects. To raise society’s awareness will be created Facebook page where will be published information about project’s activities as well as interesting information about project’s topic.