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EMMA, Special Berries to the Market
Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main target group of the EMMA project was micro and SME companies active in primary production or engaged in refining activity in Kainuu. The work had been started in two previous projects, which indicated that farmers were motivated to participate in development work. However, cultivating natural plants for farming and into separate varieties was estimated to take several more years, which is why it was desired that the development work be continued. A functional development farm model was created in previous projects for testing new cultivars for farming which can be used in the future for different botanical species. The model was applied to cranberries, arctic raspberries and wild strawberries in cooperation with a Russian partner. The partner provided, for example, information regarding the ecology and farming of special berries and Russian cultivars for farm testing. The immediate goals of the project were to increase the skills in farming, refining and marketing, to introduce new special berry cultivars to farming, to establish permanent company networks and to identify new market areas. Companies were encouraged to create ideas for refined products and seek their own funding for product development. Biochemical characteristics were sought from berries in order to support refining activities and to utilise them in marketing as well. In the long run, the intention was to increase industry opportunities in rural areas, create new jobs and strengthen existing ones, create an extensive permanent cooperation network and develop profi table business operations in the speciality berry industry within the target area. Achievements: A strong, innovative and functional cooperation network was created during the project. A website was created for consumers in three languages (Finnish, English and Russian) at . The site contains berry-specific brochures (Aronia, Wild Strawberry, Cloudberry, Cranberry, Buckthorn, Arctic Bramble, Blueberry, Western Serviceberry, Raspberry and Rowan), which were intended to create awareness of the berries and the products they are used in. The website also includes, for example, an intranet intended for farmers. Guides for farming cloudberries and cranberries were also produced in the project. Farming was developed in cooperation. There were approximately five hectares of cloudberries being farmed outdoors during the summer of 2008, and year-round greenhouse farming had been found to be successful. Issues related to pests and pollination were found to still need development in both sectors; however, the farming technology itself was already established. The cranberries had started growing well and berry production was expected from the trial farms. The farms have continued to develop crop growing in accordance with their expertise and some have expanded their farms. The markets have been studied and potential buyers for the berries have been found to exist both domestically and internationally. A packing prototype has been developed for individually packaged special berries; at the end of the project it was waiting to be utilised and distributed by an entrepreneur. Further research projects are still needed for special berries, particularly regarding pollination development – for example, in developing how to utilise hover-flies to pollinate cloudberries. Similarly, research is needed on how to protect crops from the loosestrife leaf beetle using natural means
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  • 90%   343 782,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform