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EMMA-Entrepreneurship Methodology Mediterranean Assistance (EMMA)
Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EMMA project born by the necessity to sustain the public-private cooperation process in the field of SMEs with women management, particularly in this period of economic worldwide crisis. The milestones of project are: Development of a Public-Private Med Round Table for defining guidelines for improve SMEs environment; Realisation of Guidance Points on territories; Setting up of 4 transnational events, adopting ICT facilities for communication. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project start1. Communication: realization of informative material website online, press conferences, press releases & articles and communication events. 2. Management: definition of Central and Local ASOs staffs selection of external expertise organization of the Kick-Off and of 4 SC Meetings in IT, PT, IT, GR and ES realization of all activities and financial reporting duties. 3. PPMRTs: realization of all PPMRTs and related reports. Designing and translation of MED Guidelines and publication of EN, IT, PT, GR and ES versions. 4. Guidance Points: layout and contents of informative materials final definition of Operative Guidelines Starting of all Guidance Points and processing of 22 on 35 workshops and 24 on 21 promotional events. 5. Organization of TTFs: approval of the final operative guidelines and calendar and processing of the first TTF. 240 posters and 360 pen drives produced.Latest project activities and outputs1. Communication website regularly updated with news, information, documents and deliverables 2. Management. All management activities were carried on, including the implementation of procedures for budget change and re-allocation of funds between partners. The 5th Progress Report/Payment Claim has been duly submitted to JTS/MA and the assessment process is ongoing. 3. PPMRTS. The Component is closed. During the present period it has been printed the PT and GR versions of MED Guidelines, already developed within previous period. 4. Guidance Points. All GPs are active and 10 Promotion events and 16 workshops has been processed. Specific informative material has been produced 5 TTFs. The final layout of the TTFs has been implemented and the first TTF has been processed. 360 pen drives produced.Next key steps for the project- Finalizing of budget change procedures with JTS /MA - Processing of the remaining 13 on 35 Local workshops (CMP 4) - Processing of 3 Transnational Trade fairs and connected Local Initiatives (CMP 5).
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  • 75%   933 017,48
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants