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Embrassant Français en Masse/ Embracing French on Mass
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project relates to a larger than average primary school in the North West of England. Through previous discussions with the Senior Leadership Team and the selected members of staff, it was decided that aim of the project was to ensure that languages was core within the school curriculum and children's learning. The Languages coordinator highlighted the following that needed to be given priority: *To provide staff development in delivering and teaching the curriculum, including both language and culture *To support staff and increase their confidence in the teaching of French *To support staff in planning for progression *To develop school links with a partner school in France *To develop a cross curricular approach to the teaching of French *To facilitate these outcomes and to ensure a strong lead by the Modern Foreign Languages coordinator, elected candidates should have the opportunity to make links with a French school and increase their own knowledge of language and culture, in order to support staff in school from September 2014 when languages became compulsory in Key Stage 2 (KS2).. The four candidates were then able to lead, support and assess staff development in both Early Years, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. With the original vision in mind, *The changes in Modern Foreign Languages are now being led within school by four confident, knowledgeable members of staff. *There is an ongoing support via Team Teaching, staff meetings and development days in addition to support with time tabling and cross-curricular links to facilitate staff meetings. *The curriculum is becoming increasingly embedded throughout school and we will continue to strive for this to become even more explicit *With the results of questionnaires, it is evidence staff subject knowledge and confidence has increased *It is apparent due to regular assessment that the children are learning and progressing at a good rate. *We are aiming to improve on having our real and purposeful links with our partner school to further support with the Modern Foreign language curriculum. With the work that has been done so far, we strongly believe we are providing excellent opportunities to ensure French continues to be an integral part of Fairfield Road's curriculum. Modern Foreign Languages has been given and will continue to be given a high status at Fairfield Road. It has given the participating members of staff invaluable knowledge and confidence to continue to drive forward a substantial and meaty project within school. In the longer term, we are keen plan more Erasmus+ projects, and are looking in to the possibility of taking part in a Key Action 2 project with a school in France.

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