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"Embrace Equality"
Start date: Apr 6, 2015, End date: Nov 5, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Embrace Equality" project is the subject of international youth exchange to be held in Portugal in July 2015. It’s the result from the cooperation of four European institutions that develop its work in the area of intervention with youth: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa - Portugal, Helsingin Kaupunkin - Finland, Movego Jugendhilfe Gemeinnützige GmbH - Germany and the Dove House Community Trust - Ireland. This project represents a continuation of the work that begun in 2010 that allowed the realization of three exchanges involving more than 90 youngsters, 15 group leaders and organizations from 5 countries. This year the youngsters elected as themes to work: inclusion and equality. It has been proposed as work targets, issues of inclusion in different countries, acknowledge of practices generating equality, to reflect and identify key factors involved in the generation of cycles of exclusion and ways to break them. Other objectives are to strengthen international partner network and the promotion of personal and social skills of young people. The project will feature 40 youngsters from four countries: Portugal, Germany, Finland and Northern Ireland. The youngsters are mostly from multicultural disadvantaged socio-economic contexts in which prevails social maladjustment, ESL, consumption and trafficking of drugs, poverty and social exclusion. During the exchange, will be conducted different sociocultural and sports activities, both indoor and outdoor, daily conversations and meetings that allow young people to experience and reflect on the themes. These included the workshops that address the questions: "Inclusion is already part of the political structure of your country?", "How is practiced inclusion in the school systems of the different countries?" and “Your Youth Space is practicing inclusion?” Visits to organizations and institutions that represent best practices will also be a way to have a wider knowledge about the phenomenon of social exclusion and ways to build social inclusion. The work is based on methodologies and principles of personal and social empowerment through the use of tools of participation, aiming at the production of knowledge by themselves. Thus, the participants are involved since the beginning in the construction and design of the entire process. Regarding the results, it is expected that each participant can develop their personal and social skills, and also abilities in the worked areas to reduce the discriminatory attitudes and behaviour in everyday life. It is also aimed to increased attention to issues of exclusion and clarification of attitudes and behaviours promoting inclusion. It is still expected the strengthening of tolerance and acceptance of difference. The acquisition of English language skills will allow in the future that young people can access new worlds in a more safe and confident way. The level of the organizations that make up the partnership is expected to gain skills, knowledge, techniques and methodologies of intervention with young people to enable more effective intervention.
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