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ELPVOLL - European Language Portfolio: Promoting a Lifetime of Vocationally Oriented Language Learning

The ELPVOLL project will develop a specialised version of the VFLP (Vocational Foreign Language Portfolio) course material to serve the needs of vocational language training in three specific sectors: banking, national administration and tourism. There is a growing need for transnationally portable qualifications, especially in the language field, as an aid to employment mobility across Europe. This self-learning package, which can be used in the work environment, will help identify objectives, select materials, develop learning techniques and facilitate self-evaluation on the basis of language use. This will enable workers to record and report their language experience across a lifetime of learning and provide a useful tool for the educator, holder and employer. The partnership network, after taking stock of VFLP models already created and implemented, will develop supplementary glossaries, manuals and guides for the chosen sectors. The package will be disseminated via sectoral networks.
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