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Elos-CFEC & national education priorites
Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

Between 2005 and 2009, Elos has created a Common Framework for Europe Competence (CFEC) for students between 12-19 years, as well as a general school standard. Both documents now need to be linked to the various educational systems and school types in the 16 participang countries and their national educational priorities. The network would produce examples of a concrete translation of the CFEC and School standard for the countries involved. If necessary, partners will take care of translation into the national language. Furthermore, the network will produce documents stressing and describing the way in which Elos enhances the national educational priorities and key pedagogical strategies such as entrepreneurship and informallearning, in order to raise awareness with national policy makers, school managers and teachers. A very important aspect of Elos is that it is suited for students in all types of learning programmes and seeks to recognize all international learning experiences, formal or non-formal. In this sense, Elos perfectly fits many of the elementsof the 'ET2020' policy. Elos works with the above mentioned common documents, but leaves the realization at school level up to the national networks of Elos schools, in order to respect the differences between educational systems. Elos seeks to stimulate vocational and higher (professional) education institutions to recognize and make use of the competences of Elos students, and to establish national and regional networks concerning ongoing learning lines for all students from secondary education up to higher eductaion included (in the near future, the network will also start considering primary education). The network uses the website and Elos Twinspace (fora) for discussion, cooperation and publication of relevant documents, and will execute the marketing plan for Elos - education stretching borders that has been created in the project 2008-2010.
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20 Partners Participants